Just finishing a slam, and forgot about the waterfall which is full of algae and leaves - requesting advice

Jul 16, 2015
Sacramento, CA
So I had a bit of a swamp this year after a wintertime pump failure.

Today I did what I thought would be the final vacuum of dead stuff at the end of my SLAM (pending OCLT test tomorrow)

When I was vacuuming, I noticed that my waterfall was dirty. Slimy green stuff and leaves/debris In there.

This may be common sense, but should I just turn it on, get that stuff I to the pool and clean it out from there? Maybe I should get some gloves and get out what I can before it gets to the pool?

Last time I did this a lot of dirt/debris went into the pool so I know I’ll need to vacuum again.

Just looking for some reassurance on the best way to proceed.

Yup, gotta do it. You'll get good at vacuuming.

Next time you need to SLAM (IF there is a next time, I hope not!) always run the water features at least part of the time to get the chlorine in there too.

Maddie :flower:
Manually remove what you can first. Scrub brush, whisk broom, whatever.... and a shop vac.

Is there any way to rig a trash bag or a cheap inflatable raft or a plastic kiddie pool below to catch escaped debris?

Then circulate water.
Thanks. I’ve been out there pulling river rocks and debris out of the waterfall wells.

There is a bit of sandy dirt at the bottom of the waterfall wells, and this are covered by river rocks. Do I need to care about removing all the sand/dirt sediment or just the debris? It doesn’t leave those wells when the waterfall runs.

The algae is mostly on some of the rocks themselves (slimy feel to some of the rocks) as opposed to visibly on the waterfall walls.
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Thanks. I’ve been out there pulling river rocks and debris out of the waterfall wells.

There is a bit of sandy dirt at the bottom of the waterfall wells, and this are covered by river rocks. Do I need to care about removing all the sand/dirt sediment or just the debris? It doesn’t leave those wells when the waterfall runs.

The algae is mostly on some of the rocks themselves (slimy feel to some of the rocks) as opposed to visibly on the waterfall walls.
I would.

In the past, people have wasted weeks chasing algae that was hidden inside the ladder weights and behind the light. Inside some stagnant water on the slide would be an excellent hiding spot.
Check out the pictures in these threads
@Richard320 @YippeeSkippy Thank you for your feedback. I wish I did have a little raft or kiddie pool and/or a shop-vac. Great tips and all those would have saved me time. I did the work and the job is done. After working on the SLAM for the past 10-11 days consistently, attacking the waterfall to finish the job wasn't a huge leap.

SLAM is over and we will be swimming this week if we want to :)
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