Just bought an 8 person Sundance spa. Want the chem as easy and well maintained: as possible.


New member
Dec 15, 2023
Pittsburgh PA
Pool Size
I live in Pittsburgh PA. Our homes are 8 feet from the homes on either side.. I have 5 teenagers: and them and all their friends will be in this jon CONSTANTLY this winter. I’d love all the tips. I joined to get and keep the spa at perfect water Chem. I used to have a pool when I lived in MI and I also had a 300 gallon reef tank for over 6 years so I know I’m capable. Just want to do things right: I’m all about simple chems: like moronic acid, baking soda, and white vinegar.. in order to keep my pool/spa perfectly balanced. We used Borax, baking soda, M-acid and chlorine tabs in a feeder to keep our 18x36 pool pristine when we lived in MI. I’d like a similar experience and set up with the 580 gallon spa.

All the tips, hacks and knowledge will be read and happily put to use! Thanks for the welcome- Heidi


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: I’m all about simple chems: like moronic acid
Moronic acid is when you open Muriatic Acid all willy-nilly like and get a free shower out of the deal. We can be honest because we're friends here and have all done it too, but It's not advised. 😁

And Welcome !!!

Head on over to the spa forum and read up the sticky up top there. There's also a bunch of threads from folks who did the same as you. Ask away if you need us to fill in any blanks. :)
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Follow this guide that @Newdude was referring to for maintaining a chlorine spa
& get yourself a proper test kit.
Test Kits Compared
& some Ahhsome to purge your new tub now & regularly as a part of maintenance.
Keep in mind that the bather load & subsequent fc demand is much higher in a small spa than in a large pool. 2 people in 500 gallons is like having 80 people in a 20k gallon pool. There can be a learning curve when it comes to keeping it sanitary but we’re here to help!
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