Installed Pentair IntellipH

It's only been a day, so too soon to say. And it's not the IntelliChem system (which measures the water and dispenses chlorine and acid accordingly), I've only got the IntelliChlor and the IntellipH, which are just "dumb" machines that dispense "x" amount per day, regardless of water chemistry. I wanted to try those first. So far the SWG is performing quite well, the FC is stable and no more chlorine handling. I'm hoping for the same from the acid system, but it'll be a week or two before I know how well that does...

Dirk, I have a different thread regarding a pool being built right now in an investment property (Jersey shore). What you said about the Intellichlor and IntellipH being "dumb machines" really interests me. I'm trying to choose between the Intellichlor and the iChlor at the moment. Communication is not good between me and the pb. He hates me for insisting on swg. Yesterday, the equipment was delivered, and the guys unpacking and connecting it said the builder was ordering a "panel", the "Easy Touch", because I wanted an swg. Does this "Easy Touch" mean automation? It wasn't in the contract, and I don't want to pay to add it if I don't need it. I wasn't given a price for adding it. I was under the impression the swg didn't need automation. I thought the iChlor and the Intellichlor could be adjusted by the pool service twice per week when they vacuum and test the water. I offered to add the ipH to prevent the pool service from using dry acid, but he said they don't carry any liquid chemicals on their trucks. I can't take care of this pool myself because I will be 2 states away, and tenants will be vacationing here weekly during the summer.
You're braver than me (also a landlord) to put a pool in a rental, and then attempt to manage that from out of town. I think I read your thread about it, and understand the economics you're up against, but the liability alone would freak me out. I digress...

EasyTouch is automation. Be very careful of the model, if you go that route. YOU DO NOT WANT ANYTHING WITH THE LETTER "L" IN THE MODEL NUMBER. My single biggest equipment mistake was allowing my pool guy to put one of those in. I didn't know better at the time, and was rushed into it without doing my proper research (sounds like you're in the same boat). You can run an IntelliChlor and an IntellipH without automation. I wouldn't recommend an IntelliChlor without automation, or at least the IntellipH, because without either you can only adjust the IntelliChlor in chunks of 20% output, so you'd need to dial it in by adjusting the run time, which means adjusting the filtering time. Possible, but not ideal. But with the ET or IntellipH in the system, you can dial in the IntelliChlor in 1% increments.* The IntellipH is not stand-alone, you must own the IntelliChlor to install an IntellipH.

The ET, with the optional ScreenLogic system, can be monitored and adjusted remotely. I'd think this a bare minimum under your circumstance. You could partially manage the pool from two states away. Unfortunately, the IntellipH cannot me controlled nor monitored remotely (darn you Pentair).

So yes, your pool guy could adjust the IntelliChlor without automation. And he could do so better with an IntellipH installed. The ET is not necessary. But as a convenience for you, it is something to consider. And there are models that come with the IntelliChlor, with its required transformer built in, with a electrical breaker also built in, that make for a very tidy installation, and something you could make use of from your home. I definitely wouldn't talk you out of an ET, just the "light" version (with the "L").

*You'd want to double check on that capability before you decide. I'm "mostly" sure you can adjust an IntelliChlor in 1% increments using only the interface of the IntellipH, but not 100%. I have an ET, so I adjust my IntelliChlor using that, I've never actually adjusted an IntelliChlor using only the IntellipH. A quick look at the manual was not definitive, you might call Pentair support to confirm.
You're braver than me (also a landlord) to put a pool in a rental, and then attempt to manage that from out of town. I think I read your thread about it, and understand the economics you're up against, but the liability alone would freak me out. I digress...

EasyTouch is automation. Be very careful of the model, if you go that route. YOU DO NOT WANT ANYTHING WITH THE LETTER "L" IN THE MODEL NUMBER. My single biggest equipment mistake was allowing my pool guy to put one of those in. I didn't know better at the time, and was rushed into it without doing my proper research (sounds like you're in the same boat). You can run an IntelliChlor and an IntellipH without automation. I wouldn't recommend an IntelliChlor without automation, or at least the IntellipH, because without either you can only adjust the IntelliChlor in chunks of 20% output, so you'd need to dial it in by adjusting the run time, which means adjusting the filtering time. Possible, but not ideal. But with the ET or IntellipH in the system, you can dial in the IntelliChlor in 1% increments.* The IntellipH is not stand-alone, you must own the IntelliChlor to install an IntellipH.

The ET, with the optional ScreenLogic system, can be monitored and adjusted remotely. I'd think this a bare minimum under your circumstance. You could partially manage the pool from two states away. Unfortunately, the IntellipH cannot me controlled nor monitored remotely (darn you Pentair).

So yes, your pool guy could adjust the IntelliChlor without automation. And he could do so better with an IntellipH installed. The ET is not necessary. But as a convenience for you, it is something to consider. And there are models that come with the IntelliChlor, with its required transformer built in, with a electrical breaker also built in, that make for a very tidy installation, and something you could make use of from your home. I definitely wouldn't talk you out of an ET, just the "light" version (with the "L").

*You'd want to double check on that capability before you decide. I'm "mostly" sure you can adjust an IntelliChlor in 1% increments using only the interface of the IntellipH, but not 100%. I have an ET, so I adjust my IntelliChlor using that, I've never actually adjusted an IntelliChlor using only the IntellipH. A quick look at the manual was not definitive, you might call Pentair support to confirm.

Dirk, thank you so much. Your reply was so helpful. Our realtor said the tenants now all want pools and to be allowed to bring their pets on vacation. We've noticed during the past few summers we keep getting requests to bring emotional support pets, and service animals. We have to say yes, and we can't ask for proof, or we could get sued. So better to just give them what they want, and make them pay for it. Hardwood floors and throw-away area rugs are next in order to allow pets.

At this point, I'm going to drop any further mention of IntellipH. The pb thinks it's a liability to have a tank of acid anywhere a tenant could get burned by it if they knock it over or disconnect any of the tubes/plumbing coming from it. I don't think he knows anything about IntellipH, but I'm not going to fight anymore with him about anything. I thought I was being helpful, by offering to add/buy it, because he hates how often the pH has to be lowered with SWG's, but it infuriated him. I was thinking of sneaking in to add borates after the last tenant of the season checks out. I've decided to text him a screen shot of the Pentair SWG manuals where it specifically states not to use dry acid. He must have at least some concern about warranties, because that's why he told me to choose a Pentair SWG. Perhaps I can add a locked cabinet in my garage to store muriatic acid for his pool service to use instead of dry acid.

The SWG solves the problem of them refusing to use liquid chlorine. I'm literally afraid to attempt another in-person discussion with him about anything. I'm disappointed I wasn't asked about adding automation, or given a price for it, but if he thinks he has to add it because I want an SWG, it may end up working in my favor. It's possible, because he hates SWG's so much, that he doesn't know he doesn't need to add automation. His employee seemed to indicate he had to order the ET because I wanted an SWG. I will wait until the ET is delivered and check the model number when it gets here. Then I will figure out how to broach the subject if there is an "L" in the model number.

So, how much do you know about this ScreenLogic? And how much is it? I haven't looked into it because I just found out I am getting automation. Will it tell me anything about the water chemistry/test results, or would the pool service have to tell me test results? I don't think they will want to communicate with me. This company seems very hostile and they think I am completely wrong about everything I have learned about pool chemistry during the past 2 years. While I am here, a friend with a PhD in water chemistry is testing and adjusting my pool at home. He has never had a pool but really loves TFP and the way I care for my pool because of it. I have to have this pool serviced twice/week, but they want to shock routinely with cal hypo, because they say SWG's can't keep up here. If I could control the SWG remotely, could I make it keep up so they wouldn't need to shock it?
It's only been a day, so too soon to say. And it's not the IntelliChem system (which measures the water and dispenses chlorine and acid accordingly), I've only got the IntelliChlor and the IntellipH, which are just "dumb" machines that dispense "x" amount per day, regardless of water chemistry. I wanted to try those first. So far the SWG is performing quite well, the FC is stable and no more chlorine handling. I'm hoping for the same from the acid system, but it'll be a week or two before I know how well that does...

so u setup a program to run each day to say dump 4 oz at x time of ma. I did not realize they had something like that. Would make it easier when away if I can just say squirt a few ounces in there. I got my dad on ma duty when I go away this week.

My chlorine has has been perfect with the swg. In over week no adjustment. If the kids swim all day I need to dump some chlorine to get me back to proper level so I don’t have to boost the generator but ifchey seems a few hours I’m ok.
Dirk, thank you so much. Your reply was so helpful. Our realtor said the tenants now all want pools and to be allowed to bring their pets on vacation. We've noticed during the past few summers we keep getting requests to bring emotional support pets, and service animals. We have to say yes, and we can't ask for proof, or we could get sued. So better to just give them what they want, and make them pay for it. Hardwood floors and throw-away area rugs are next in order to allow pets.

At this point, I'm going to drop any further mention of IntellipH. The pb thinks it's a liability to have a tank of acid anywhere a tenant could get burned by it if they knock it over or disconnect any of the tubes/plumbing coming from it. I don't think he knows anything about IntellipH, but I'm not going to fight anymore with him about anything. I thought I was being helpful, by offering to add/buy it, because he hates how often the pH has to be lowered with SWG's, but it infuriated him. I was thinking of sneaking in to add borates after the last tenant of the season checks out. I've decided to text him a screen shot of the Pentair SWG manuals where it specifically states not to use dry acid. He must have at least some concern about warranties, because that's why he told me to choose a Pentair SWG. Perhaps I can add a locked cabinet in my garage to store muriatic acid for his pool service to use instead of dry acid.

The SWG solves the problem of them refusing to use liquid chlorine. I'm literally afraid to attempt another in-person discussion with him about anything. I'm disappointed I wasn't asked about adding automation, or given a price for it, but if he thinks he has to add it because I want an SWG, it may end up working in my favor. It's possible, because he hates SWG's so much, that he doesn't know he doesn't need to add automation. His employee seemed to indicate he had to order the ET because I wanted an SWG. I will wait until the ET is delivered and check the model number when it gets here. Then I will figure out how to broach the subject if there is an "L" in the model number.

So, how much do you know about this ScreenLogic? And how much is it? I haven't looked into it because I just found out I am getting automation. Will it tell me anything about the water chemistry/test results, or would the pool service have to tell me test results? I don't think they will want to communicate with me. This company seems very hostile and they think I am completely wrong about everything I have learned about pool chemistry during the past 2 years. While I am here, a friend with a PhD in water chemistry is testing and adjusting my pool at home. He has never had a pool but really loves TFP and the way I care for my pool because of it. I have to have this pool serviced twice/week, but they want to shock routinely with cal hypo, because they say SWG's can't keep up here. If I could control the SWG remotely, could I make it keep up so they wouldn't need to shock it?

I'll have time for a better reply tonight. Gotta run. Short version: you need a different pool maintenance company. The only thing they've said that is partially true is the bit about the tank of acid. I have mine bolted down to concrete, so it's not going to get knocked over. But the lid and the tubes are exposed to "the public" so they are an issue. While MA is certainly risky, allowing access to the pool pad by renters is a can of worms to be solved, IntellipH or no. I would probably lock it down with some sort of combination lock (one with a changeable code), so that you and pool guy would have access, but not renters. Maybe the main power breaker on the outside of the enclosure. Then if a tenant called with an emergency, you could give them over-the-phone access to the pad if that made sense. Otherwise, if something goes flooie, they can just shut the breaker down and call you or the pool guy.

Your PB/maintenance hostility is unacceptable. If he won't do what you want, and maintain the pool the way you want (assuming what you want is sound), then they should be fired. Or let the PB finish the pool as contracted, then hire someone else to configure the pool to your needs/liking.

Do keep an eye on the ET model. If he's ordering it "out of pocket" then he'll likely select the cheapest one, and that's the "L" model...

More later!
I had to give up on "no pets" for most of my rentals over the years. People have dogs. That's just the way it is...

I just read somewhere else that dry acid has other things in it that you don't want in your TFP pool. Seems like a pool owner should have a say in how their pool is maintained. Call me crazy!

Refusing to use liquid chlorine? Yikes.

I have, and like, ScreenLogic. I won't get into how I wish it was more, did more, Pentair is kinda behind the times in terms of current tech, but for what it is, it's great. It allows the use of a phone app, or a computer, to do most of what you can do at the automation controller panel. It wires to your network, and so you can communicate with it over the internet. (You'll need internet at the rental to make the most of ScreenLogic.) You'd be able to control your SWG, check pool temp, run your heater and temp (I think, I don't use my heater), set and alter schedules for the pump, change the pump speed, etc. And you can wire up lights and just about anything else electrical to the automation and run that, too.

I wouldn't want a pool without automation and ScreenLogic, let alone a remote one. It adds a few hundred dollars to the price tag, and there are Pentair bundles that include the panel, the SWG, its transformer and ScreenLogic.

It doesn't give you water chemistry out of the box, but Pentair offers IntelliChem that does that. I don't know much about it. I think I've read it's fussy, because the sensors need calibrating and adjustment. I think that might be true of all such systems. The digital reading of pool chemistry is a challenge, for manufacturers and users alike.

A properly maintained pool never needs to be shocked. That is old school. It is unfortunate you're having such a challenge with your PB. We (TFPers) shouldn't have to defend what we know about pool care. It is hard science and backed by thousands of successful users. But the pool industry is entrenched in myth and old thinking and that's just the way it is.

As a consumer, you have a right to get what you want, so if your current maintenance solution isn't providing that, move on...
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