Infinity pool basin water level issue


Gold Supporter
Dec 5, 2015
Newport Beach, CA
Hi, my Infinity edge pool has a negative edge on two sides. When the pump is running, one catch basin is about 3 inches lower then it should be and when the pump is off the water level raises back up 3 inches to the proper level. I have noticed the other catch basin on the opposite side has a lot of water in it when the pump is running so kind of the opposite problem on the other side. Could this be a check valve issue or what else should I look at to diagnose? Thank you!
Does the same pump service both catch basins or do you have a pump for each basin?

Is this a new problem? Has the water levels in the catch basin ever been even with the pump on?

Are the volumes of the catch basins different?

Show us pics of your pool, catch basins, equipment pad, and pumps.
It sounds like the flow to the pump is uneven between the catch basins.

Is there some equalizer line between the catch basins to keep them at an equal level?
It sounds like the flow to the pump is uneven between the catch basins.

Is there some equalizer line between the catch basins to keep them at an equal level?
It's always been even before and great question on the equalizer line. Yes there is a line the feeds from one basin to the other to keep the levels similar. The lower water level basin has a lot of water being sent from the higher level. I can see the water coming into the lower level basin because the water is slightly lower than the equalizer line. Thank you
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