iAquaLink Antenna

I see you connected it, but how? Inside is soldered. I bought the antenna but how did you connect it?

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The antenna has a rp-SMA connector that unscrews at the the knurled ring.

Post a pic of what you have.

Jandy iAqualink Antenna connector.jpeg
Welcome to TFP.

The antenna has a rp-SMA connector that unscrews at the the knurled ring.

Post a pic of what you have.

View attachment 327929
I see that and bought an antenna that would work with that type of mount. But my unit appears to be hard wired. When I try to unscrew it, the entire unit, inside as well, turns. Q: If I lock the inside nut, would the outside unscrew? Does this look like that type of antenna?
iAqua 2.0 antenna.pngiAqua 2.0 antenna mount.png
That looks like an antenna with a short cable pigtail attached to it. The connector on the end of the cable is called a U.FL (aka UMCC) connector. Here is an antenna that will probably work but it looks like it mounts a little differently to the box. The frequency range is right and it has the U.FL connector on the end.

It's only $3.18 so it cheap enough to try.

Yeah, your antenna looks different. I don’t know if you have an older model and Jandy changed the antenna used.
That looks like an antenna with a short cable pigtail attached to it. The connector on the end of the cable is called a U.FL (aka UMCC) connector. Here is an antenna that will probably work but it looks like it mounts a little differently to the box. The frequency range is right and it has the U.FL connector on the end.

It's only $3.18 so it cheap enough to try.

Thanks, Worth a try and ordered it. I had already bought this, but i guess it would work. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07R21LN5P/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Hope that I can figure out how to install the pulselarsen.

You may be able to make the one you have work. That cable that comes with your antenna is a U.FL to bulkhead mount R.SMA. You can probably remove the current antenna and then mount the bulkhead R.SMA in the hole where the antenna was. The nut on the SMA connector goes on the outside of the box and holds the connector in place. Then the antenna would just screw on like the ones on the current IAquaLinks. The U.FL end of the cable would connect to the pc board connector where the current cable goes.

Those U.FL’s are just press fit on, and something like a pair of curved tweezers will help you get old one off. You can also just grab it with your fingernails and pull it off the pc board if you can get your fingers in there.


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You may be able to make the one you have work. That cable that comes with your antenna is a U.FL to bulkhead mount R.SMA. You can probably remove the current antenna and then mount the bulkhead R.SMA in the hole where the antenna was. The nut on the SMA connector goes on the outside of the box and holds the connector in place. Then the antenna would just screw on like the ones on the current IAquaLinks. The U.FL end of the cable would connect to the pc board connector where the current cable goes.

Those U.FL’s are just press fit on, and something like a pair of curved tweezers will help you get old one off. You can also just grab it with your fingernails and pull it off the pc board if you can get your fingers in there.

With thanks to Marie from Fluidra, we have concluded that the antenna that attaches to thhis antenna box is not detachable and is soldered onto the box. I will need to replace the complete IQ20-A antenna box. I will inform my pool maintenance company. Meanwhile, does anyone have a lead for where I can purchase one if he has difficulty getting it? FYI, here's some more pictures.
iAqua 2.0 antenna mount 1.pngiAqua 2.0 antenna mount 2.png

I don’t think that connector is soldered onto the radio module. That is a standard U.FL connector that snaps into a mating connector that is soldered onto the radio module.

Just pull up on that connector and it will detach. What have you got to loose by trying as they are telling you that you need to replace the whole iAquaLink anyway.

Once you detach the old cable and antenna you can plug in the cable from the new antenna and mount the SMA connector in the hole in the iAquaLink enclosure.


One more thought, if that is a detachable U.FL connector on the radio module you should be able to grab the coax cable and rotate the connector in relation to the roughly -45 degree angle that it is now. If that connector rotates then it’s not soldered and will pop right off.

Mark: I tried that and it did not work. It seems that the threads on what looks like the connector and the nut on the inside of the case are there only to hold it in place at the portal in the case. It looks like the coax goes right through them both. When you rotate the connector, the coax turns on the inside of the case as well, so the impression is that the coax goes right through to the soldered point on the board. I would welcome any further thoughts on how this may be inaccurate and I could still unscrew this antenna. I have purchased the replacement. Absent that, any thoughts on where the replacement unit can be purchased. I think my pool maintenance company may be having a problem getting it.

Yes the coax goes right through the nut, that doesn’t detach there. It’s the little connector on the end that is attached to the PC board that detaches. The part on the PC board is a two piece connector, one piece is soldered to the PC board, and then there is the right angle connector piece attached to the cable that snaps into the board socket.

If you grab that gold colored right angle connector on the pc board and try and rotate clockwise (in the plane of the PC board) I think you will find it rotates as it’s not soldered but actually plugged into the connector socket on the pc board.

Take a close look at the end of the coax cable on your Amazon antenna an I think you will find it looks just like the gold colored right angle connector plugged into the PC board. If that connector rotates when you try and turn it then grab the right angle portion of the connector and pull it straight up from the PC board and it will pop off. Look at the Amazon cable connector and you will see how that end can plug in.

I may be wrong and it could be soldered but I’ve used a ton of those U.FL connectors in work projects and they all are a two piece connectors, one end on the cable, and the other end soldered to the PC board. They just snap together once you get then aligned squarely.

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@MSchutzer is pointing to this connection.

See if it twists to the right. Look under the board and see if it is in a plug or soldered. Mark is saying it should be a plug that will pull out.

iAqua 2.0 antenna mount 2.png

Maybe this will help. Here is the part of the connector that is soldered to the pc board,

and here is the end that is on the end of this cable that plugs into the board connector,

I hope this helps,

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I also found my Iaqualink 2.0 antenna disintegrated, at least the outer shell. I ordered a replacement on Amazon and hopefully it will fit the existing connection. Another thought was to buy a rigid piece of plastic tubing and just slide it over what remains of the antenna, sealing the top of the tube. Right now, that is what is left of the original antenna and it is actually working. Any suggestions ? I visited Groves pool supply and they quoted me $450 just for the antenna. Is Jandy nuts? I’m
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