
New member
Jul 23, 2022
This was just installed 6 months ago and has been working 100. A week ago I got a new saltcell since then nothing.
I reset the IAquaLink, reconnected it to my WI-FI, logged into my security, verified it was connected and online!
went to the computer logged in to the IAquaLink site and it has a IP Address, but the web-App on the browser and or phone will not come up. Phone is showing RED offline.
Now it has been 111-115 in the back yard but the unit is in the shade and it’s connecting to Wi-Fi without fail. Is this on Jandy’s side? Or transceiver issue? Of course Jandy isn’t open Saturday or Sunday when normal people work on pools and my pool company isn’t either.
In another thread I asked about my IAquaLink 3.0. I found it had disconnected from my mesh wireless and would not reconnect. I had that red dot on the app. I had to turn off all powers to the automation system and the. Let it reboot. That would let it all sync up again.

I think if you just added a SWCG it may just all need a reset.
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