Howdy From Dallas Texas


In The Industry
Aug 5, 2020
We are having trouble keeping PH down and for darker bottom Pebble Sheen I like 7.2-7.4.

Tap water water is 8.2 minimum and we are getting some scaling in dark bottom pools and continuing to fight to get our PH stable at 7.2-7.4

1 pool its 8.6 PH out of the tap and 300 TA, I don't see how a once a week visit without installing an acid feeder can reach our goal? If that will work?

The range of TA is 90-120 my gut level says lower the TA to like 60-80 and see how that works

But we have been introduced to Orenda LSI from the builder we clean pools for.

What do you think is the best way to solve this ? THANKYOU in advance
Welcome to the forum.
Trying to maintain a pH in the low 7’s is very difficult. Water naturally seeks its pH balance which is a pH of 8 or so.
Your fill water will also keep a constant push upwards on your pH.
Use CSI of 0 to -0.3. LSI is an outdated standard.
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