How to use Taylor tests R-7062, R-7063, R-7064, R-7065


Welcome to TFP... A great place to find the answers to all your "Standard" testing questions.... :shark:

The bottles you have are all what is called a "Standard"... You basically use the standard solution just like you would use your pool water...

Using TA (Alkalinity) as an example... When you run a normal TA test on your pool water, the results of the test will give you a number... let's say the number is 90 ppm. Normally we trust the accuracy of the test kit... But when first doing the test it is good to know if we are doing the tests correctly.. Is that 90 we just got an accurate number or not??? This is where the "Standard solutions" come in. You use the Standard in place of the pool water and run the normal TA test. The results of the test should be the same as the ppm listed on the standard. Since your TA standard is known to be 100 ppm, then if you did the test correctly you should end up with 100 ppm as your test result... It is just a confidence builder..

The R-7062 is the 7.2 pH Standard (Typo corrected...)
The R-7063 is the CH, 200 ppm Standard
The R-7064 is the TA, 100ppm Standard
The R-7065 is the CYA, 50 ppm Standard

The ppm and standard type should be printed on each bottle.

Thanks for posting,

Jim R.
Those are not tests, they are “standard” solutions. You use them in place of the pool water as each has a set result they should return. The R-7062 is a pH standard that should return a 7.2 result.

Wait!! Wait!!!.. I just noticed that there is a Yellow flag on the field of play... All of the TFP officials have looked at an instant replay of my Post #2 and have decided that, once again Rahbe is wrong... :hammer:

Not sure if I'll be thrown out of the game, or just penalized 15 yards... , but until then I have updated my post to indicate that the pH standard is 7.2 not 7.6 as I originally posted.

Sorry for any confusion,

Jim R.
Quoting their post from another thread::
I am a new pool Owner and I am very concerned about test kits.
I am using the TF-100
I got results and I took the water to a pool store and got it checked in their digital system.
Here is what I got:
FC - Mine:3. Store:1.7
CC - Mine:0.5. Store:0.58
PH - Mine:7.3. Store:7.6
TA - Mine:60. Store:94
CH - Mine:100. Store:60
CYA - Mine:almost clear. Store:35

so what I got with the TF-100 is different than what the store gives me
which is a problem, because TA is almost good according to the store, calcium is even lower than what I read, which will require tons of calcium added.
And the CYA shows 35.
There is no way for it to be 35.
We just filled the pool 4 days ago.
Mans that is why the calcium is low.
Many suggestions?
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