How much chlorine do you put in daily?

I use one jug of 8.25% per day give or take and my CYA is just under 30. Some days I need more and occasionally I can skip a day. It really depends on how much mud my lab/otter mix tracks into the pool and whether he decides to drop something nasty in the pool like a 8 foot tree branch so he can retrieve it. Sometimes the things he drops in the pool is dirty and sinks which uses up a bunch of my FC. It really is my dog's pool... I just maintain it for him.

Yes, I did forget to mention the four lady Labs that use the pool as well, some of my FC usage is their fault too...

dialing in your CYA to control FC usage is the true secret to the TFPC method. Get it dialed in perfect, and enjoy a TFP at as low of a cost as possible. Get it dialed in at start of season, re-check it mid season to make sure you are still good to go, make any adjustments needed.

also, from my experience, Jason has that pool calc dead on with the CYA calculations (all of them really) and if you have accurate test results, measure out and add EXACTLY the amount of stabilizer that is needed, when you test again you will be right at where you wanted to be.

My CYA DROPPED TO 25ppm during the winter. Using pucks to get back up to 50. It's been nice not to dump Clorox in everyday. But I imagine it will raise quickly and I will be back with bleach.
My CYA DROPPED TO 25ppm during the winter. Using pucks to get back up to 50. It's been nice not to dump Clorox in everyday. But I imagine it will raise quickly and I will be back with bleach.

roughly 3 ppm per day of CYA is added by pucks from what I have read on here. so in 10 days, you should be at 55 ppm..... then its all cloudiness, algea growth, and draining to get your CYA back down from there....

you can do what you are doing, just make sure you watch that CYA level and pull out that floater when it hits 50.
I'm glad you asked because I was going to. I almost have this down to a science but I'm still new. My little 6,000 gallon pool gets plenty of sun and active bathers. My pool is a SWG pool and I seem to go through 12oz per day of the 8.25% bleach. I try to keep my FC at 6 and I lose 1.5 to 2.0ppm daily. I measure in the AM sometimes and add the difference that night plus the loss which by next morning should have me sitting at 7.5 FC and never lower than 6.0 FC. by the way, my CYA is 70.

I am confused,I thought the idea of an SWG was that you didn't have to add bleach except on rare occasions, certainly not daily
Exactly. I only use pucks when my CYA is low from splash, backwashes, etc. I install the pucks in my chlorine dispenser at the pump station, dial in 4.5 and monitor. Every other day I check FC & CYA. I never allow it above 50. Then I just remove the remaining pucks and flush out the dispenser and turn dial off. Cya is now at 35, maybe in a couple of days it might be at 50.

A very smooth process to get your CYA up with chlorine. As they say, killing two birds with one stone.
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