Holly vs. Japanese Blueberry Around Pool


New member
Apr 23, 2020
League City, TX
We are trying to find the best small trees to plant along our back fence to provide a little privacy. Looking for something evergreen, fairly low maintenance, and that won't make a mess in the pool.

We've narrowed our choices down to Eagleston Holly or Japanese Blueberry. We prefer the look of the Japanese Blueberry, but are worried it might be a bit messier for the pool compared to the Holly. Trunks of the trees would be about 4.5 ft from the pool deck and about 8.5 ft from the water. Anyone have experience with either of these trees?
Our Eagleston Hollies almost never drop anything. We have 9 along the side of a corner lot fence and two right next to the pool. A landscape architect drew our plan with a future pool in mind. He advised against Japanese Blueberry, but I can't remember for sure why although disease comes to mind. OTOH, he put two Wax Myrtles next to where the pool would be, and those evergreens are also ever-shedding of skinny leaves that without skimmer socks some can go right through the basket.
Thanks BowserB! I posted on another forum and got a similar response about disease issues with the Japanese Blueberry, plus the fact that after about 5 years they start to make a mess with dropped flowers and berries. We'll be going with the hollies.
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