Hired someone to install a pool


New member
May 24, 2024
New jersey
A neighbor who had a best way.

He insisted he could get the best one for my yard size. Son comes home in hours and this is his surprise...

Gave the man money to purchase the pool and install. Fair price and he provided receipt.

However I hired him because I had to work a double...just came home to a giant pool that engulfs the entire yard structure to structure. This can't be normal.

He installed a wood block under one leg....only one...can I let my son use this at all or should I somehow abort immediately?


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The pool needs to be level and well supported. It is basically just a big bag of water. Take a gallon ziploc bag, fill it with water, leave the top open and sit it on your counter. Now sit it on a cutting board and pick up the edge, watch it roll away (do it near the sink). This is how your pool behaves

It is difficult to tell from the photos, but it looks like the top rail is pretty out of level. As @ajw22 said, in needs to be within an inch of level all the way around.

ALL of the legs are supposed to have a support under them. I believe that most of those type pools call for pressure treated wood, since the load shape of those pipe ends can cause a patio block to snap.
I worked on levelling the spot for my AGP for 2 weeks, dragging a board around in a circle staked in the center, moving dirt, compacting, and checking with a water level before I was satisfied. Only if your yard is 'perfect' can you just throw up a pool, and run with it.