Help with liner for shady pool

May 25, 2017
Erial, NJ
New posting but lurk all the time. Great info and folks!

This is will be our 18th season with our Lazy L pool. My kids are older (24,22,17) and the pool has been one of our families best investments. So many memories in my pool!! Anyhoo...we are ready to order a new liner. Some of the new ones are fabulous! I am in love with the grey mosaic tile but this is really different for us. We have always done blue but now I think I want to make it more of an "adult" pool that makes a statement and I'm thinking outside the box.

My question is this. My pool gets full morning sun. At the noon hour, shade creeps down deep end to shallow end and is in complete shade for the rest of the day. I'd like some advice/opinions on a grey mosaic liner for a pool that is in shade. I'm really torn. I don't want a super dark pool but rather want some sparkle to it. Do you think it would still have that deeper blue color or more leaning towards the black side? Would love to hear from those who have a pool in the shade! TIA
Well that should be a neat looking pool! I say don't worry about it being shady later. If you like that liner you should get it! There was a build a couple of years ago with a gray liner and I fell in love with it! GO for it!

Thanks Kim....such a commitment and my family all has different opinions. I just don't want it too dark. I really wish there was a way to view the liner in a similar environment but that's. it gonna happen! The pool store coming today to measure ans I STILL don't know. Hoping maybe he can lead me. <<fingers crossed>>
A darker liner will make the deep end really dark in the shade. I would stay away from the standard old blue pattern liners and go with something like that you mention. They have so many liner colors now that look just like pool finshes in Quartz or Pebble, and I would certainly go with something like that if it were mine. Greys are nice, and give some really beautiful blue colors.

Thers pics of a new one at the top of the forum now in the photo gallery. Lots of choices, but I tend toward the lighter and more natural color finishes. Grey-ish ones are among my faves too though.
Thank you. I really am confused. My pool has always had the traditional lighter blue colors. I want to do something different but scared I will regret it. Also lots of treees so a light liner is out. Made that mistake once. I think I'm gonna bite the bullet and go for it. Just praying I can still see the bottom of the deep end.
So guess what?? Now I. Leaning towards a tan liner! I thought I was sold on the grey mosaic. I've had some algae trouble in the past and could always tell when it was coming, pool starts getting that teal blue color. That said, that's why I didn't want tan! But I've seen some pics here that are changing my mind! The bottom is Gold Coast bottom (Merlin) and looks like tiny pebbles and there is some blue pebbles in there. That may be better for my poo as it doesn't appear that it will be too darkl...I HATE THIS! They measured today and they are just waiting on me.....
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