Help! Pool water blue but very cloudy


New member
May 27, 2019
Our pool is 35,000 gallon vinyl liner salt water pool with DE filter - we have had it for 12 years and have not had any issues upon opening until this year - Pool was opened over a week ago - we ran the filter for 24 hours for 5 days - the brown/green water from the winter was the correct "pool blue" color within 2 days but it is very cloudy and it hasn't improved

We were told our DE filter cartridge needed to be replaced so we ordered a new one from Pentair and it was installed upon opening. We actually anticipated the water clearing up faster this year than ever before due to the new cartridge.

Took sample in to pool store and they advised to raise the alkalinity and add salt. We did both. Added a bottle of clarifier. Not a single change. Yesterday morning added a bottle of flocculant - ran in recycle mode for 2 hours and then shut down completely - woke up this morning expecting so see some improvement but nothing.

Now what do we do??
Brenmommy, welcome to TFP. I just wish we had you here *before* you added all those potions. Those potions are *not* pool friendly and will gum up your filter in a flash.

Here at TFP we preach owner testing! Pool stores are out to sell chemicals. I would recommend you order the TF-100 pool test kit and take control of your water yourself.

I need to call in some DE Filter pros to determine how to get all that gunk out of your pool/filter. I have a sand filter so am not up on DE specifics. @Bama Rambler @mknauss

Maddie :flower:
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My husband took another sample of water in - they are saying the PH is too high - 8.2 and that it needs muriatic acid, another 2 bags of salt, stabilizer, and 10lbs of liquid shock and that should clear it up - but every year upon opening we have to tweak the water chemistry and it has never resulted in cloudy water like this


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Is this a current picture of your water?

Can you please give us a signature line with details about your pool, its finish and equipment, and size. Also how you chlorinate and how you test. Thanks! You can find the place to make signatures under "Settings" on the left.
Is this a current picture of your water?

Can you please give us a signature line with details about your pool, its finish and equipment, and size. Also how you chlorinate and how you test. Thanks! You can find the place to make signatures under "Settings" on the left.
yes that's a current picture of the pool water. It's 30,000 gallon vinyl lined in ground pool. Pentain 48sq ft DE filter system - salt water pool. When they open the pool they shock it and then I add salt and the salt generator takes over for chlorination. The water test that came back today from the pool store is showing a PH of 8.2, low free chlorine of .2, low stabilizer of 5, total hardness of 48, and it needs 3 more bags of salt.
We don't rely on pool store testing, it is notoriously inaccurate. I would get a TF-100 Test Kit ™ and add a gallon of bleach each day with the pump running until it arrives. Post numbers when you get it and we'll be glad to help.

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So let me get this straight... your pool opening folks just toss in assorted chemicals before the water has even been tested?

Now that you say you have a SWG, you need a salt water test kit also ....

Hurry! Hurry! Before you add one more thing to that pool!!

Maddie :flower:
Get a good test kit and follow these folks advice, you will never regret it! One thing for sure, you can't mix their advice and pool store measurements and advice! Sad to say pool stores are notorious for inaccurate testing and advice, made obvious when you have proper test kit.

Welcome and good luck! ?
Not having to backwash too often as the pressure doesn't seem to rising into the clean zone but I did backwash it 3 times -

When you backwash, how much DE do you add back to the filter?
Can you post a pic of your filter?

Are those stains we're seeing in the bottom of the pool, or is it just shadows?
Which vacuum do you have?
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