Help pool legs lifting off the ground while full

Cause found, all the problems are my fault !! When setting up the pool the Bottom track was laid all measurements were taken as per factory specs everything aligned perfect. When putting up the wall it did not meet it fell short by 5" instructions say to take the bottom track and squeeze them together equally around the pool. At that point all the measurements were off on the end walls we bolted up the walls Compacted the sand and laid the bottom pad put the cove in And lined the wall with foam. We stretched the line and put a vacuum in sucked all the air out removed all the wrinkles filled with water halfway let it sit in the Sun for A-day for the liner to stretch filled it up the day after to the skimmer and thats when the problem started. The ends were slightly out of round when the pressure pushed the 2 sides of the wall out the end part of the wall came in, it wasn't able to pull the sand in so it rode up on top , over the sand bed. Now that the water has evenly squared the pool I filled in the voids and removed the sand from under the track repacked everything with the tamper laid the cove restreched the liner and started to refill. Filled halfway today and I'm done for tonight I will check in make sure everything is still in place before I continue filling more tomorrow

Can you clarify how you fixed your problem? Our oval pool is doing the same thing and we cannot figure out how to fix it. We are draining it again and about to lose our minds.
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