HELP!! Need Opinion on shape

Unfortunately we had a freeze this past winter which killed all our fence-line greenery. We are starting over within the next couple of weeks with more cold weather tolerant greenery.

It stinks. You can buy plants that are plenty hardy per the agri-zones. And then year 3 is 25 degrees colder than it should be and takes them all out. It's less terrible in TX, but in NY my list of plants that survive is already short enough.
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Again, it’s all how you look at it. :)View attachment 128183
If the kidney pool fits in the red rectangle, then the solar or winter cover are the same size for rectangle and kidney. The overhang where they intersect is the same (2ft bigger on all sides of the red) and some of the white area is scrap/cut off for the kidney cover.
But most people somehow use the width 2 as their baseline so width 1 becomes all the extra in their head. Its the extra part they have to swim in, It’s the part that doesn’t fit on the solar reel and extra winter cover that they have to buy.
It’s kind of 6 or a half dozen of you skew the part you use to square off the pool, but it still no more extra than the rectangle pool, if the red line is the rectangle pool. (Again please forgive the sloppiness, can’t draw for squat).

View attachment 128184
Suppose though that the narrow (waist) of the pool is 16' that one wide part is hanging over, yeah you can go not square to the end of the pool, but suppose the yard isn't dead flat, and there is a 1m drop from the top of the picture, to the end of the yard some 3m away (it's actually a creek that dried up when they built the development in the late 1960's, it only sees water in the late spring....
We have this situation, the cover reel is width 2, you need to be careful, folding it when you reel it up, so that it fits. There is a seam along one side, where they put two pieces together to get width 1, then it was cut to fit. I would do an illustration, but, my drawing skills are worse then yours :)

All to say, freeform shapes look nice, but your really trying to make a rectangular peg fit in a kidney shaped hole.
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All to say, freeform shapes look nice, but your really trying to make a rectangular peg fit in a kidney shaped hole
I’ve had that exact problem since kindergarten. :laughblue:
But yeah. Reels are difficult. Mine tried to walk one way or the other every last time too. It wasn’t bad on the last few turns if it shifted a little but the first half of the cover had to be kept ever so perfect in order for the second half to fit at all. PM me some pics if you don’t mind once it gets warm. Your setup sounds really cool and unique.
I’ve had that exact problem since kindergarten. :laughblue:
But yeah. Reels are difficult. Mine tried to walk one way or the other every last time too. It wasn’t bad on the last few turns if it shifted a little but the first half of the cover had to be kept ever so perfect in order for the second half to fit at all. PM me some pics if you don’t mind once it gets warm. Your setup sounds really cool and unique.
Sure if I remember, I can't even see the pool, right now...
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It stinks. You can buy plants that are plenty hardy per the agri-zones. And then year 3 is 25 degrees colder than it should be and takes them all out. It's less terrible in TX, but in NY my list of plants that survive is already short enough.
Yeah, tell me about it. It was the ONE over-night freeze we got this winter also! I let the wife do her thing when purchasing them, but when she told me how much $$ we lost with all of them dying, I darn near had a heart attack!
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Yeah, tell me about it. It was the ONE over-night freeze we got this winter also! I let the wife do her thing when purchasing them, but when she told me how much $$ we lost with all of them dying, I darn near had a heart attack!

We may finally after about 7 years, have WiartonWillie calling it with, an we get early spring, he owes us one, after calling for an early spring last year and it being the coldest spring in 20 years; he called it the year before and was just as wrong. Supposed to be above freezing the next 2 weeks, so we may see the pool by then. There is a mushy spot where the pool normally is....
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We may finally after about 7 years, have WiartonWillie calling it with, an we get early spring, he owes us one, after calling for an early spring last year and it being the coldest spring in 20 years; he called it the year before and was just as wrong. Supposed to be above freezing the next 2 weeks, so we may see the pool by then. There is a mushy spot where the pool normally is....
Punxsutawney Phil's northern cousin I suppose?
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