Help Me take my Pool back from the FROGS!!

Yes, I have 20 bottles of Bleach for right now. Me and husband just back from adding 2 bottles and brushing pool. However pump ran for 45 min and another pipe busted out. This is the 3 rd attempt of turning on pump and pipes keep busting out in different places. This is getting on my nerves! So, we turned it off and sealed it....but I think my husband is done for tonight.
Hi Bianca,
you are definitely making headway.

Yes, you need to keep slamming. There are 3 tests that need to be passed to consider the SLAM finished.
1. You pass the Overnight Chlorine Loss Test (OCLT). Test when the sun has gone down and test again just before it comes up. If your FC is less than 1, you passed.

2. Your CC is less than .5

3. Your water is clear

When the turns sort of milky like your pic shows, you are getting close!
This seems forever!! I did notice a change in my numbers is this good or bad? Do I need to add something else? I am still slamming and trying to keep the TC to 12.....
How long has this taken for people?
TC= 15
PH = 6.8
TA = 80
CYA= 30
CH = 225

I am seriously about to give up!! I scrub once a day and keep it at shock level 12...right now its around 14. it's still that pretty light aqua blue. I get in and I feel no leaves on the bottom just feels like some places has sand or dirt? The filter is making a loud noise but seems to be running just fine. I backwash every 3 days....I don't know what else to do but when its the 4 th it's been exactly a month that I have been shocking!! It is starting to really **** me off! Lol
Well, gauge hasn't worked in years. I just put my hand over the eyelet and feel if there is strong pressure coming out. Has always worked for us. I am thinking we now need to replace the pump. The last 4 days it makes a really loud noise, but it runs. How else can I tell if I need a new one? Could this be the problem? We moved into the house 8 years ago, and I have no idea how old it really is?

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A new pressure gauge is fairly cheap. (e.g.

If the pump is making a loud noise, it could be because of increased pressure in the filter (which might not be detectable with your hand in front of a return). Try backwashing for a several minutes, and see if the noise goes away when you switch back to filter mode. If that doesn't change anything, there might be something stuck in the impeller.

If it has been a month of SLAM and your pool is still cloudy, then there's a problem with your filtration system. You might consider doing a Deep Clean. How big is your sand filter? I notice you have a 1.5HP pump, which is pretty powerful for that size pool. It might be that your pump is too powerful for your filter. See if you can find the maximum flow rate (in gallons per minute) for your filter. If it is rated for less than about 70gpm, then you should consider switching to a smaller pump. Or a larger filter.
Ok.we are doing the Deep clean right now. There is no big chunks of debris in there, however I don't know if you can see the small dirt floaties. Looks like sand put when I run my fingers through the water I don't feel anything. What do you guys think? I read up on that "DE" stuff. Should I do that also? And you can buy that at Lowes right?

Keep in mind it took a year for your pool to get this way. A month of slamming is not unheard of. It took about a month an a half for my swamp to clear up, including the ammonia conversion I had to deal with before I started to show any progress. Keep at it, you will turn the corner soon. Be sure you backwash and rinse well after deep cleaning the filter, then set it on filter mode.
Thanks! I am just getting husband is gone working all day till 7:00.mon-fri. I am tired of testing, adding bleach, picking up bleach and getting in scrubbing it everyday! While my poor kids been watching me do this for a month and begging to get
Lesson learned I will do my best to never let this happen again!
***what about DE? Should I add that anyone?****
Alright, so 4 hours of deep cleaning and the water still has lots of floaties in there. Very hot today in Ga. Me and hubby have been taking shifts with the hose and we are done for today. We will hook the pipes back up and do a really good backwas/rinse and do another deep clean tomorrow???
regarding DE, based on the pictures above it does seem that you are at the point where DE (or cellulose fiber ?) might help the filter get dead algae out faster. Simple things like knee-high stockings over the skimmer basket can help too.

Not sure about where to get the DE, you do need a specific type of DE for this, more details at :

IIRC the "food preservation" and "garden" types of DE are not what you want, but I'm not sure what type you *do* want other than "heat treated" / "sintered".
Look for DE for pool filters. It is usually sold in 15-25 pound containers. You add just enough through the skimmer to raise the pressure by 1 point. Usually just a cup or two will do it.
I left my pool for over a year and it looked like yours did. flys were swimming over it etc. If you've gotten it vacuumed and the **** is out, then you need chlorine, lots and lots of chlorine. If you have access to liquid chlorine from a pool store, that would be the best bet. I followed the pool calculator and that didn't really work for me. When I finally added a rediculous amount of chlorine, it cleared right up. Took 12 jugs of 2.5 gallon 10% chlorine in my 12000 gallon pool.

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