Help intex 18 x 9 corners not all the same


New member
Jun 25, 2019
New Milton, Hampshire, Uk
Hi there from the UK, I recently purchased via ebay a intex pool was described as 16 x 8 but is a 18 x 9 model. I've set it up on our concrete walkway and slabbed area although some of the pool has gone on to the grass area. All the legs are sitting on wooden blocks which came with the sale. I realise I maybe should of only used the blocks on the grass area and the rest could of gone just onto the walkway and slabbed area, I've filled the pool up to just over the outlet area that's the highest I can go since my youngest isn't just tall enough yet. My question is this 3 of the corners look the same but the 4th looks like its going to pop out and I'm worried when the kids start playing in it then it will go, my neighbours gardens are close and the last thing I want is the pool destroying theirIMG_20190625_075516.jpgIMG_20190625_075540.jpg gardens. IMG_20190625_075422.jpgIMG_20190625_075435.jpgThis is the 4th cornerIMG_20190625_075414.jpg
Welcome to TFP! :wave: Looks like it's been a couple weeks since you first posted and no members have replied. I figured I'd check in to see how things were going with your set up. Do you still have questions about the corners, or have you already made changes to the set up?
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