Help! High Alkalinity Low pH causing cloudy water

There is a chance that as it left the sock it was not fully dissolved and then got stuck in the filter and backwashed ... perhaps that is why it is a little lower than you expected?
There is a chance that as it left the sock it was not fully dissolved and then got stuck in the filter and backwashed ... perhaps that is why it is a little lower than you expected?

Anything is possible. I remember that when I was squeezing the sock the water turned a milky white color until I stopped. So I think it dissolved ok. I have about 8-9 oz left of the 5lb bag I bought. I will check it again tomorrow and add the rest if it is still low. Hopefully that will be all that is needed.
Came home today to a pool that I can finally see the bottom in! The water is still cloudy, but we are definitely almost clear. I dropped the robot in again as now I can see that there is still some alage left on the bottom. I will let him get up as much as he can.

FC: 9
CC: 0.5
TA: ~125
CH: Didn't test
CYA: Still ~30. I have no idea why this isn't going up. On Saturday if the level is still not where it should be I will use the rest of my stabilizer and test again.

Question for everyone. My fiance and I will not be home from tomorrow morning around 7 until Saturday in the early afternoon I am guessing. When I do my morning tests, do you think its ok for me to double whatever does PoolMath tells me to put in (i.e. if it tells me to use 1 jug put in 2)? I ask this so that I can stay at or above SLAM level while I am gone and cannot monitor the pool so that I don't lose any progress. We don't have anyone that knows how to test the water (I will have to teach someone as we have some more trips planned this summer).
Another update!

@jblizzle Thanks for the tip on shocking to mustard dose. That really helped the all day and night stay chlorinated until we got home.

Got home Saturday morning to a fairly clear pool. Was still a bit cloudy, but not too bad. Dosed the pool and ran the robot. Sunday did the same thing, although the pool was pretty much crystal clear! I am pretty sure I pass that part of the SLAM. I started my OCLT tonight as I have been seeing CC in the .5-1 range for a few days now. There is still some algae left on the bottom of the pool that the robot keeps missing, so I am going to manually vacuum that out. The numbers at the start of the OCLT:

FC: 16.5
CC: 0.5
TA: ~125
CH: 325-350 (I use the 10mL test for this, so it falls inbetween this range).
CYA: Unable to test atm as I am waiting on a reagent refill. Should be here this week. I think my CYA is fairly good as I am only losing a small amount of chlorine between doses as of now. I will probably still add some as my pool gets direct sun pretty much all day until sundown.

Hopefully I am almost done with the SLAM. It is going to feel super good.
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