HELP! Broken Underground Skimmer Line/Gravel in equipment


May 25, 2023
Austin, TX
Hey everyone,

I wanted to get y’all’s take on my current situation. I was having some yardwork done that required trenching and heavy digging, and the contractor managed to break one of the waterlines to the pool equipment. It appears to be a skimmer line. Upon learning that the line had been broken. I immediately turned off the pump and informed the contractors to leave the equipment off until the pipe was fixed. unfortunately one of the subs didn’t get the message, and when I returned a couple of hours later, they had put the pool equipment back on which resulted in a significant amount of rocks, sand, and debris to be pushed through the system. I emptied the filter basket in front of the pump and it had a significant amount of gravel, approximately the size of large marbles as well as smaller sediment in the basket. In addition, the pool water is now completely cloudy and filled with sediment and debris including smaller rocks, and gravel on the bottom of the pool. The contractor is a legitimate group and have immediately acknowledged wrongdoing and they are repairing the pipe and they are offering to have the pool cleaned.

However, My largest concern is the equipment as I suspect having gravel rocks, another debris, sediment run through the pump may have caused damage that won’t be discovered until later down the road.

My question to all of you is whether you are aware of any services out there that can run a general inspection or diagnostic on the equipment to see if there is underlying damage or is this a scenario where it is too difficult to determine at this stage. I can post a few pictures though I’m not sure they will do the situation justice or, otherwise be helpful. Thanks in advance.


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What model pump do you have?

What model filter?

It looks like your basket captured the bigger stuff. The smaller stuff passed through your pump.

The one place stuff may get stuck is in the pump impeller.
Filter is a pentair fns plus 60sqft de filter

Aside from the impeller, which I agree may get clogged from debris, is there anything else I should be concerned about?

With respect to the impeller, other than taking it apart and cleaning it, inspecting it for damage, is there anything else you would do?
Filter is a pentair fns plus 60sqft de filter

Open the DE filter and hose off the grids.

Aside from the impeller, which I agree may get clogged from debris, is there anything else I should be concerned about?

What other equipment do you have? Heater? SWG cell?

With respect to the impeller, other than taking it apart and cleaning it, inspecting it for damage, is there anything else you would do?

If you open the impeller to check the impeller you should replace the seals.