Hello, New Member here, not a pool owner but I know a LOT about robots.


In The Industry
Jul 16, 2017
Massapequa, NY
Hello, TFP. I'm a new guy here.

A little about me. Yes, I work at a pool store, have been for the better part of 6 years now. In the interest of not breaking the rules about advertising I'm keeping my company I work for out of my posts (but if the mods still don't think this is cool, let me know). I'm an authorized warranty repair technician for Maytronics, Aqua Products, and Hayward, and my shop sees just short of about 1000 robots a year including a few commercial cleaners, and even units older than me from the 80s. I also dabble in chemicals and have torn apart my fair share of pumps and filters. But I'm just here to offer some advice for the DIYers here and give some tips for robots. I just like talking shop and helping people solve problems, really.

Some other personal info: I'm an engineering student. I have an affinity for cars, guitars, watches, and loud music. I don't actually own a pool.

Welcome to TFP.... A Great resource for all pool owners and non-pool owners alike... :snorkle:

We need all the Robot help we can get, so welcome aboard...

I suggest that you buy yourself some extra-heavy-duty skin "thickener" as we can be pretty unmerciful when it comes to our comments about some pool store employees.. :p

But if you are from Long Island, you probably already have thick skin...

Thanks for the great intro post,

Jim R.
I've already read the horror stories and even heard a few about my own competition in person. In defense of my shop we are a relatively small, one store operation. I mean, we've been open 30 years and just started a service this season. We've never been in the business of screwing people, just helping the best we can.

And that's Lawn Guy Land to you.
I grew up in Setauket, not too far from where you are now and I graduated with a BE from Stony Brook University. Welcome aboard.

The best piece of advice I have for you is this - try to remember that this a residential DIY pool owner forum. What is taught here is designed to educate people how to take care of their pools themselves. What is taught here does not often mesh well with pool store advice or "pool professional" methods of pool care because TFP seeks to create self-sufficient pool owners. So please read through the TFP Pool School and try to learn the lingo we use around here. If you have any chemistry related questions about things that don't make sense to you, please post them in The Deep End subforum.