HEELLLPPPP!!!! Pool Filter/Pump Assembly problems

Here ya go!!!!!!!!!!

Lets get a pool honey! :blah: putting it up :shark: putting the equipment together :drown:

Finding TFP :testkit: :cheers: Tonight before you mess with the equipment :swim: After you get the equipment working and not leaking :snorkle:

Your story in pictures! LOL

We got ya and will be here when you need us. You will LOVE having a pool once it all comes together and is REALLY Trouble Free.

Just think of mowing the lawn THEN :swim: ahhhhhhhhh I tend to jump in fully clothed while mowing. Of course I am mowing 6.5 acres to it takes a little while LOL

LOL Dude! I heard you all the way down here! LOVE IT!

Now do the reading and learning with the links I gave you on the first page so you can really take control of this pool and keep it looking as pretty as it does today.

If you have ANY questions or concerns let us know. Someone will know the answer!

I'm gonna be a reading / learning machine! I ordered the tf 100 with the stirrer yesterday. Now I have to backfill around the pool. Someone told me I should put a drain in around the pool. What are your thoughts?

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Look at your drain pattern with rain. How does your yard slope? Will the slope push the rain run off right at your pool? What I would do is the area right under the skimmer and return RIGHT NOW. I would then think about putting a drain of sorts in that you will dig down a little and put pretty rocks (river rocks or white marble rock) around the pool to act as a kind of drain. I would find something pretty to put around the pool to keep the rock in. Maybe landscape rocks like they use to build the walls with. That will help block any run off from causing problems with your pool (washout).

I would plan on doing it sooner rather than later

As others have said, lube everything with silicone (not petroleum) pool lube. However, I am looking at your picture, and maybe it is the angle, but is your return the same height as your skimmer opening?

As others have said, lube everything with silicone (not petroleum) pool lube. However, I am looking at your picture, and maybe it is the angle, but is your return the same height as your skimmer opening?

@phonedave, no the return is lower than the skimmer. The holes were precut in the wall from the factory.

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OOooooooo kimkats,
I was told to ask you about when I should add the CYA into my pool. We filled our pool with city water (we live out in the country so I had it trucked in). My friend that turned me on to this site checked the water and the PH was good, but said there was no chlorine in the water. So he used the pool calculator and had me add 84oz of bleach last night. Him and his wife said that I should ask when to add the CYA into my pool since in essence it is like opening the pool? I should be getting my TF 100 test kit tomorrow or Thursday. Any advice or a direction to the answer would be awesomesauce!
Add it tonight! You do not need a test kit for it as there is 0 as in NO CYA in the water now. So just use Pool Math and see how much it tells you to add for a CYA of 0 and a pool of 18k gals. I would shoot for a CYA of 30 to start with. We can see how that goes and it is much easier to add than to remove (drain out that water you just bought).

Now how to add it............find a cute sock. The cuter the better. Pour the CYA powder into this cute sock and tie it off and hang it in front of your return. Of course you HAVE to take a picture to share with us of this cute sock :slidehalo:

You can and should squeeze it to help it dissolve faster. Once it is all dissolved let the pump run for the next day and run the test for the CYA.

Now MY way of doing the CYA test is called the "bar glance" LOL when you go to do the test do NOT stare at the dot. Just GLANCE at it. If you stare you will get caught see it. Just GLANCE and look away as you pour the mixture from line to line.

Here is a link to the big directions for each test:

Pool School - Extended Test Kit Directions


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That is fine. At least you got some in to help buffer and protect your FC. Once you get the CYA in you should see your FC holding better.

We will work on you adding more if you see your FC falling too fast during the day.

There is however an issue with the pump. Our pump has 2 speeds. If we leave the pump on High after a while the pressure just drops off to where the pressure from the return jet is almost nothing. If we turn the pump off and then back on it regains its pressure and power again for a while. Is this normal operation? Or is there something wrong that I should be concerned with?
Kimkats I have more issues. I cleaned my filter and was starting the backfill and noticed this today.

I noticed the post was wavy and that it looked like it was bulgi g out at the bottom so i saw this. This can't be good for me. Any ideas?

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Take a pic further back so I can see what is what............where is all of the water coming from?

You say "post was wavy".........can you explain a little more with words and pictures please.

Do NOT get in the pool for right now until we figure out what is going on. Hopefully it is a simple, easy fix but lets not take an chances.
The water is because my hose popped off from backflushing the filter. It was my bad not a leak. I see what happened. The paver underneath that post sunk on the inside and allowed the track to drop 1/4 inch. When we were getting the dirt out my brother in law hit that paver with his tractor and I think that is what allowed it to sink. The paver has bottomed out and will no longer move. So the Crack should not get worse. Here are pictures for the wavy post.

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You might be able to find a way to push the track up and onto the wall with some thought and McGivering. Just use great care and thinking ahead. Have something ready to put under it to keep it there.

Poor thing! This pool is going to be the death of you :hug:


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