Heavy Duty Tarp or Solar Blanket to keep heat in


Gold Supporter
Feb 7, 2017
Tulsa, OK
Does anyone know if it is better to lay a heavy duty tarp over the hot tub or to use one of those floating solar blankets to keep heat in.

When i use my hot tub at night and I plan to use it in the next few days I would like to trap some of that heat in there so I don't have to reheat all the water.

Thanks for any help.
I don’t think it makes a big difference. Most of the heat lost is due to evaporation. Any cover that reduces evaporation should work ok.
The tarp is cheaper but it then sits about 1 foot over the water and I have two spillover sections that leave a gap. I wonder if I used a solar cover and a tarp if I would get double the savings of heat or if the diminishing marginal returns would be too great and I would only benefit by about 30% or something. I guess the only real way to know would be to test both.
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