Hayward Omnilogic System false, low salt level readings


New member
May 18, 2023
Buffalo, NY
I just opened our vinyl-lined inground pool on May 8th. After waiting a couple days after pool professionals cleaned and shocked the pool, Omnilogic system showed low salt. Ended up adding 7 x 40lb bags of salt, which I have never had to do in 3 years of having this pool (outside of initial salting of brand new pool). Salt level has been stuck on 2565 for a week. Had water professionally tested at pool store. Salt level at 4200! Wondering if the Omnilogic system salt level reader needs recalibrating, is broken, or what? Have pool company coming in 4 days (soonest they can get out), but would love to be able to fix this on my own. As a result of the system thinking the salt is low, it is not making chlorine. I am having to shock the pool every few days to maintain free chlorine levels above 1.0. Any help and opinions are greatly appreciated. I am still a pool novice! Thanks.
That is typical of a failing cell that is depleted.

The Hayward system does not have a salt reader. It calculates the salt level displayed based on the volts and amps of a new cell. As the cell ages its calculation diverges from the actual salinity.

Post the diagnostic information on your panel.

What is the serial number of the cell?

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