Hayward Omnilogic lighting


Jan 27, 2020
Moved into this house in 2016 with an existing omnilogic saltwater pool. 2 led lights present in pool and spa. The lights aren't working, the local pool company quoted me around $3200 to replace them. I'm thinking there has to be a cheaper alternative. Looking for advice/direction on if it's something I could possibly do? I'm handy but have zero experience standing in a pool of water fooling with electricity. Is there a cheaper alternative light option? If so where do I look? Thanks in advance
Plenty of YouTube videos on How To Replace A Pool Light.

Light alternatives depend on the size and voltage of the lights you have.

Look at what they offer...

Yes, the videos I watched I believe they were installing new LEDS I believe, they were feeding lines. Should just be a housing/bulb replacement, no? Will any LED work?
Nope, modern pool LED lights do not have replaceable bulbs. Many light’s require complete replacement.

You have to look at the model light you have and see if it has any replaceable parts.