Greetings from Kansas


New member
May 9, 2024
Hey All,

My name is Chris!

New home owner / pool owner here - wanted to take a minute to say hello. I have a ~19,000 gallon in-ground pool with a vinyl liner. It has a sand filter and a water heater. I'm flooded with things that I want to fix, updates to make, etc - so that's been a new experience. I'm considering moving to salt water, but my fun budget is a little slim right now.

Anyways, great to be part of a forum where I can pick your brains.

Thank you,
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Welcome to the forum!
Start a thread with your questions in the appropriate sub forum.
I suggest you read through Pool Care Basics - Trouble Free Pool and even look at a few of our videos TFP-TV - Trouble Free Pool

Can you let me know which sub-forum would be best for vinyl liner assistance and sealing pool light conduit? I thought maybe "Under Construction" for the liner and the "Pumps, Filters & Plumbing" for the conduit?