Green swamp frustration

Ok, things have been a little crazy, but I still could use some advice. I went through SLAM process, followed directions to a T, passed OCLT test, and my water stayed blue for 3 days. I came back from being out of town, and pool was a murky green, even though pump was running around 10 hours a day. I felt like a month of work was down the drain. While my chemicals were balanced when I left, when I came home they were off.
FC 1.5
CC 0
pH 8
TA 50
CH 160
CYA 30, it was 35 before I started SLAM

I've since added acid, sodium bicarb, and bleach over a few days.
FC 3.5
CC 0
pH 7.3
TA 80
CH 180
CYA 30

It has held like this for several days, but no improvement to aesthetics. I've learned that with control plate I can run either skimmer or main drain, but not both at once. Throughout all processes, I feel like I'm having to clean cartridges around 3 times a day. I have large trees overhead as well. I'm kind of stuck on what to do next. All I do is check chemicals, scrub, run vacuum, just to come home to pool that hasn't changed. I've been varying when I use main drain vs skimmer. I probably left something out, but that is a start. Thanks
If your pool was clear and turned green, then your FC got too low for your CYA level. There's no mystery involved -- it's as simple as that.

You'll need to SLAM again to get rid of the algae. That means raising FC back to 12 ppm. The FC at maintenance level is just enough to keep it from getting worse. It's not ever going to clear it up again. Then to be safe, once the SLAM is complete maintain your FC at 10% of your CYA and NEVER let it fall below that.
That's what I figured Jeff, thanks. Just hard to believe after doing a 3-4 week SLAM, and looking perfect, it took take such a left turn in less than 3 days. I guess, no vacations when you're a pool owner!
I need to add a few things. pH goes way up during the day. Like 7.2-8 while I’m at work. The trees that overhang the pool are of oak variety. They drop leaves, dirt, etc...FC was 3.5 when I went to bed and this morning. Pool was a cloudy blue green. Came home to a swamp, but all levels the same except pH. Trees are a constant problem, but I get rid of all debris daily. I’m agreeing with bleach addition, but confused on pH, unless it’s the trees. Wouldn’t my CC go up, FC down? On a side note, I read about taking ladder out...I don’t mind doing another SLAM, but I’d appreciate any other input. Thanks
That's what I figured Jeff, thanks. Just hard to believe after doing a 3-4 week SLAM, and looking perfect, it took take such a left turn in less than 3 days. I guess, no vacations when you're a pool owner!

If you are using bleach you can always use pucks while on vacation if you don't have anyone to maintain it while you are gone. Chlorine burns off very fast during the summer even with the correct amount of CYA and if you are using bleach then it will fall to 0 very quickly if you don't keep up with daily loss.

Or you can convert to salt and it will still make the chlorine while you are on vacation.
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