Great opening! Should I be worried?

Apr 19, 2017
Hillsborough New Jersey
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
solid cover is off. Water crystal clear. Liner and steps brushed. Ran filter for 48 hrs. Tested water. FC 4.5 CC 0 CYA 50 PH 7.4 TA 70 CH 100 Borates 0 Temp is 60. I’m not a noob but feel weird that no SLAM is needed. Been doing TFP method for 3 yrs. I can hear my fathers voice, “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it!” Should I sit back an enjoy what all you great advisors have taught me? Or am I missing something?
Enjoy your pool! If it makes you feel better tonight before bed raise it up to slam level and run the pump overnight. Then let the FC fall into daily target range. I don't think you need it, but if it buys you peace of mind, go for it!
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