Gas pressure for pool heater

Jun 3, 2011
Hi all, I contacted my local gas co. And the person on the phone said I have 7-inw rated gas pressure?
They were not sure how to convert that to psi?
Does anyone know how to convert inw to psi or whatever?
If noone knows I will call and ask for an engineer to call me
Tried google but no luck
Are we talking propane or natural gas? I wonder if they are referring to vaporization rates for propane tanks? Your tank must be large enough to keep it from frosting up. Large pool heaters need a large enough tank to keep the gas from getting too cold when it is vaporizing. That might be what they are talking about.
well, if i am doing the math correctly thats .252 so i am thinking its 1/4 lb service, man i was hoping for at least 1/2 lb
the engineer is supposed to call me but it looks like the upgrade might not be free as customer support said the engineer would tell me how much?
If your gas line(to the pool heater) is sized properly, just tell the gas co. that you are adding 400,000 to the gas demand on the property. They(the gas co.) should know what size to install. You don't need to confuse things by involving an engineer.
They replaced my meter when I told them I was putting in a 400k gas heater. On top of my 125k btu furnace, two 40k btu fireplaces, hot water heater and stove. They dropped in a new meter at no cost that could handle 1 million btu's. All are working fine.
I wondered about this when I built my pool. Centerpoint, our local natural gas utility, wouldn't do it for free--and I tried. They wanted $375 to install a larger meter. I passed and it hasn't been a problem. The gas plumber who installed my pool heater said I would only need the larger meter if I was running every heater in my house (being in Houston I rarely do), my gas fireplace, my gas grill, and all six burners on my stove top all at the same time. I figured it was overkill and I was right.

But if they'll do it for free, why not?
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