Freshly Filled After Liner Replacement - Now what?


Jun 12, 2022
Lincoln, Nebraska
We replaced our liner this year and have filled the pool with well water. Our water is very high in iron, so we used the bucket method and ran that all of last week. The Alkalinity was sky high, so I've been adding muriatic acid. The pH was OK. Now what? It's a 24' round pool. Stabilizer because i should have 0 CYA? Liquid chlorine? The water is nice and clear, just need to get going on the next steps.
get 30ppm cya going in a sock 🧦 hanging infront of a return &
5ppm worth of liquid chlorine asap.

When you say bucket method- do you mean running the pool water through polyfill in a bucket?

How are you testing the water?

Can you share all your actual results?