first SLAM, white residue on bottom

Sep 11, 2017
SAN jose, ca
Prior to adding coloring, test results were
fc 2.5
cc .5
ph 7.8
alk 90
cya 55

Last Wed I started my first SLAM. I decided to SLAM because my fc was low and there was a little bit of algae. I added 9 lbs of calc hypochlorite. I used hc because I had it. That is what I previously used for shocking. Since then I have added 19 g. of liquid chlorine. After adding the hc, the water was extremely cloudy. I couldn't even see the steps. Have been brushing and testing daily and adding chlorine when needed. When I brush, there is still a little bit of white cloudiness. What is it? When will it go away.

I cleaned the cartridges yesterday. They were loaded with a white thick material. They cleaned up easily. I have never seen that on my cartridges. What was it and is that what is still on my pool bottom?

The water looks totally clear until I start sweeping.
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CH was 300 before I started the SLAM. I think the SLAM is completed. Didn’t lose chlorine overnight, cc are 0 and water is clear. It took 6 days. The white powder on the bottom is pretty much gone. Still can’t figure out what the white stuff was on my cartridges. Never seen it before and the cartridges were thickly coated. Probably should have cleaned them earlier. Is it normal to go through so much chlorine during a slam? Do I need to wait for my fc to normalize before testing ph and alk?
The white powder on the bottom is pretty much gone. Still can’t figure out what the white stuff was on my cartridges.
Sounds like it was related to the cal-hypo product. That can take a few days to resolve on its own. Good to hear things are looking better.
I know I'm new and I'm just throwing this out there....But could that "white material" have been dead white algae particles? I've experienced those same symptoms before..coating on bottom, pool water clear until vacuuming or stirring up the water and white layer on my DE filter fingers.
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