Finally got my kit --- time to buy first batch of chemicals???

Aug 15, 2016
Aurora, Ontario
Ok, so I got my $180 kit (k2006), did my first batch of tests (while watching youtube "how to" videos) and this is what I got.

Salt 2900 ppm (just taken from prologic controller reading, not sure how accurate that is however)
Free Chlorine: 2.6 (13 drops x .2)
Combined Chlorine: 0 (never turned pink after adding 5 drops of R-0003)
PH: 8 (added 2 drops to get down to 7.6)
Alkalinity: 160 (16 drops)
Calcium hardness: 210 (15 drops it turned purple, another 6 tuned it blue)
Cyanuric Acid: I could always see the black dot, got a little cloudy at 30

Pool was at 70 Deg. when all these tests were taken. When pool was opened all they said was add a little salt mid-way through the year and you may need some ph reducer.
I have yet to buy any chemicals… I also notice little “dust bunnies” in the deep end that go “poof” when brushing. I think I read somewhere it’s dead algae clumping up.
Deep end doesn’t get much circulation however, and will probably be buying a robot cleaner in the not so distant future to maybe help with that a bit.
Aside from all that, how’s it looking??? Been in the pool a few times already but its been pretty crummy weather in May so for in Southern Ontario, hopefully the month of June brings more sun.
Thanks again
First, consider using the 10mL sample for the FAS/DPD kit to save on reagents. You probably don't need a 0.2 accuracy on the test, and 0.5 should be enough.

Second, get some CYA in a sock on a return. You should be in the 60-80 range for an SWG. Don't go that high if you need to do a SLAM, just take it to 30 if you're going to have to kill something off. To determine whether you need to SLAM, perform an OCLT to see if your pool is trying to kill something off. Just get the FC reading to 4 or so after sun goes down, turn off the SWG, and re-measure in the morning before direct sun. If the loss is less than 1ppm of FC, you're good to go.

Right now, I'd get some muriatic acid to drop your pH to at least 7.6. If you notice it rising a lot (like back to 8.0 every week), consider dropping your TA by taking the pH down to 7.2 each time. Every time you dump acid in, it will reduce TA. But only do this if you notice it rising up to 8 a lot.

For salt, as long as your SWG is producing chlorine, no need to worry about exact salt level. But I'd get at least some salt test strips to have a more precise reading. Bump your SWG up just a notch, 2.6 is a bit too low.

Finally, you can sometimes improve deep end circulation by pointing a return downwards towards the middle of the deep end (45 degrees to side, 45 degrees down). If you have a main drain on the deep end, consider setting your valves to allow more flow from the deep end and less from the skimmer.

More information on what chemicals to use: Pool School - Recommended Pool Chemicals
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