Filter Vibration noise is driving me crazy

Apr 14, 2011
I am using a hayward cartridge filter, thought I would try one when my sand filter gave up the ghost. (I like sand MUCH better)
The problem - (this also happened last year when the cartridge was new and the pool was sparkling clean)
My filter makes this really, really loud vibration noise. I have taken out the cartridge and cleaned the heck out of it (it is a fairly new cartridge), tried opening up the bleeder valve and just letting the water fill by itself and also tried turning on the pump and filling it that way.
I leave the bleeder valve open for quite some time, trying to make sure I get all of the air out.

If there is no pressure on the outlet, the filter "howls" really loud - fortunately I live in the country and have few neighbors)
If I hook up my polaris cleaner and set it so there is some "back pressure" the noise will stop. Same if I put my hand in front of the jet and "push" back the water coming out.
It has great pressure coming out - but the howling noise makes it sound like the filter is going to explode from the pressure.
The only way to make the noise stop is to put pressure on the outlet jet.....

I have tried googling this problem, but I mainly get results talking about pump noise. I have found some posts with a similar problem, but the answers were to make sure the cartridge was good (mine is) and make sure you leave the bleeder valve open to rid all of the air....
not really a whole lot left.

I am trying to clean my pool, BBB style, but hate leaving the pump running over night because if for some reason the back pressure from the polaris lets off, it seriously sounds like the filter is going to explode.....
All I can think of is there is air in the system, but I have tried taking out and putting the cartridge back in a dozen times in the past 2 days. Is driving me nuts....
thanks for any info anyone can give me.....
Oh, forgot, i thought maybe the seal around the top housing may be bad, but i checked it out and it looks fine. The housing is just now going on it's 3rd year, so am thinking the seal should still be good and not worn down any yet (is just a big rubber o-ring that fits around the top housing). I did "grease" it up when i checked it out - no help - filter housing still vibrates like mad....
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it's a hayward xtreme, 1.5hp, 150 sq ft cartridge. I forget the exact pressure reading off the top of my head. It runs around 10 psi when clean. I clean the cartridge before it goes up 10 psi
Is there air in the pump strainer basket lid?
Is there air coming out of the return(s)?
What size eyeball(s) do you have now?

You can replace the return fitting (eyeball) with a smaller model and that will add head to the system and should eliminate your problem.
did not think this thru. I use a Polaris cleaner so there is no eyeball and I obviously can not switch to a smaller one. Has to be air in the tank, but I have no idea how to get rid of it. I have tried shaking and lightly hitting it, trying to jar any air bubbles loose (with the air valve open).
Air in the tank makes sense to me, also. That means you have a suction side leak that is drawing air into the system. Once you hunt down and find that leak, I think the air will work out of the system on it's own.
were you able to find resolution on this issue? I have the same filter and the same issue, mine just started today and the o-rings seem to be fine and we lubed them all today. This is my third season with mine... Even removed the pressure gauge and lubed that too but it is still making the noise.... any help would be welcome!!!! Sounds like its going to explode.


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I have the same problem, but I don't think it's related to the filter itself.

The plastic base seems to transmit all the noise and vibration from the pump.

The only reasonable solution I can think of is to spray the underside of the base with some expanding foam insulation.

Not too sure if it's gonna work but I'lll give it try someday when I get around to it.
I would try a new filter. The filter I had in it when it did this looked fine to me, it was a year old. I put a new filter in it ($45.00) and it is really quiet now.
My filter housing is not that secure in the base, so if one would vibrate, it would be mine.
donberry said:
I would try a new filter. The filter I had in it when it did this looked fine to me, it was a year old. I put a new filter in it ($45.00) and it is really quiet now.
My filter housing is not that secure in the base, so if one would vibrate, it would be mine.

My filter is about 2 weeks old and doesn't seem to making noise from there.

So far I've put inner tubes between the pump and basket bases, that did help some so I know it's the base transmitting the noise. Next I'll try under the filter base and them attempt the expanding foam thing.

I'd really like to know where you got a replacement for that price though as I've seen them listed for around $100.
Hello everyone,
I seem to be experiencing the same issue most of you are. I recently purchased a used Hayward extreme pump/filter system. It didn't come with the filter so I purchased a new one. Everything was fine for about two weeks then it developed the same vibrating issue that most of you have described. At first I could get it to go away by removing the filter, and either flipping it, or just re-seating it. Now the only thing I can do, to stop it from vibrating, is to restrict the return side to the pool. To me this was not an acceptable solution. I'm pretty sure the problem is with, how well the filter seals to the lid. I believe that over time the filter opening doesn't seal very well with the lid, and water is able to blow by this seal, and in turn causes the vibration we are all experiencing. The solution then would be to fix the sealing issue between the filter and the lid. A new filter would accomplish this, but that would get quite expensive over the summer to replace the filter every time it starts to vibrate. My first thought was to add some fiberglass material to the lid where the filter seals, which I thought would do the trick, but if it didn't then I would have maybe ruined the lid, and would need to purchase another one. So for a short term attempt at fixing this issue I simply took some electrical tape and wrapped it around the area where the filter seals on the lid. I know, I didn't expect it to last long, but I thought it would at least tell me if I was on the right track. After wrapping the tape to the lid, the lid has to be dry before taping, I then reassembled the lid, and guess what, no vibration! The pump has been running now for 3 days, without having to restrict the return, and still no vibration issues. This morning I removed the filter to see if the tape was still intact and to my surprise it looks just like the day I put it on, so it appears it will hold up well to the pressure of the water. I cleaned the filter, put it back together and no vibration, and I don't have to restrict the return to the pool, it's running wide open. I'm still not sure on how long this will last, but for now it looks good, and if it doesn't stay on forever, I can still remove the old tape and put some new on. It's a cheap, and apparently affective repair. I hope this works for anyone having this issue. I thought about trying something more permanent, but if this continues to work then why bother. Below is the picture of the tape on the filter sealing surface of the lid.

:party: I also have a vibration issue with my hayward extreme 150. I tried your (jonnycyclone) Electric tape; Walla NO vibration,No noise! I think I will call Hayward report what happened,maybe Hayward might have an O Ring or some other fix for this.

Thanks for your solution.
I called hayward 1-800-hayward, tech support.They (hayward) are aware of the problem and redesigned the filter with a gasket. Hayward will send a new filter 1500REG as the replacement free IF your current filter is within a year of purchase or as I was told within a reasonable time period.
johnnycyclone -- could you possibly repost the picture of how and where you put the electrical tape on your filter lid? I just saw your post from June today and the picture was no longer available. It sounds like you had the same exact issue we are having and we'd really like to try out your electrical tape idea but aren't sure where the tape actually goes. Thanks!
Hello everyone,
I seem to be experiencing the same issue most of you are. I recently purchased a used Hayward extreme pump/filter system. It didn't come with the filter so I purchased a new one. Everything was fine for about two weeks then it developed the same vibrating issue that most of you have described. At first I could get it to go away by removing the filter, and either flipping it, or just re-seating it. Now the only thing I can do, to stop it from vibrating, is to restrict the return side to the pool. To me this was not an acceptable solution. I'm pretty sure the problem is with, how well the filter seals to the lid. I believe that over time the filter opening doesn't seal very well with the lid, and water is able to blow by this seal, and in turn causes the vibration we are all experiencing. The solution then would be to fix the sealing issue between the filter and the lid. A new filter would accomplish this, but that would get quite expensive over the summer to replace the filter every time it starts to vibrate. My first thought was to add some fiberglass material to the lid where the filter seals, which I thought would do the trick, but if it didn't then I would have maybe ruined the lid, and would need to purchase another one. So for a short term attempt at fixing this issue I simply took some electrical tape and wrapped it around the area where the filter seals on the lid. I know, I didn't expect it to last long, but I thought it would at least tell me if I was on the right track. After wrapping the tape to the lid, the lid has to be dry before taping, I then reassembled the lid, and guess what, no vibration! The pump has been running now for 3 days, without having to restrict the return, and still no vibration issues. This morning I removed the filter to see if the tape was still intact and to my surprise it looks just like the day I put it on, so it appears it will hold up well to the pressure of the water. I cleaned the filter, put it back together and no vibration, and I don't have to restrict the return to the pool, it's running wide open. I'm still not sure on how long this will last, but for now it looks good, and if it doesn't stay on forever, I can still remove the old tape and put some new on. It's a cheap, and apparently affective repair. I hope this works for anyone having this issue. I thought about trying something more permanent, but if this continues to work then why bother. Below is the picture of the tape on the filter sealing surface of the lid.


Thank you, thank you, thank you. Just started having this loud vibration coming from my filter, took the lid off, carefully dried the part that connects with the filter cartridge and wrapped about 1 to 2 rotations at the end of the part on the lid with electrical tape and now all is running smooth and quiet. Brilliant!

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