Equipment question

I am about to pull the trigger on a 16x34, 12k gallon, Salt, Fiberglass. I have been reading a tremendous amount but a few questions.

All Hayward equipment.
Controller - Aqua plus, prologic
Pump - 2hp super pump 2
Filter - sand s244t

1. Is this a decent SW system? Can I add automation after the build?
2. Should I go with a VS pump?
3. Thoughts on sand filter?
4. Based on where our gas line is, I am thinking of using a Hayward electric heat pump. Thoughts?
Prologic is automation.

Maybe consider omnilogic.

New pools should only use variable speed pumps. Single speed pumps are a very bad idea.

I would recommend a large cartridge filter (400 sqft.).

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If you plan to have a saltwater pool, you should get a VS pump because you will have to run your pump longer to generate the amount of chlorine your pool will need. Running the pump cost much less when you have a VS pump..

For reference, I have a 3 HP VS pump that I can run 24/7 at 1200 RPM for less than $20 bucks a month. To me, a VS pump is almost mandatory when going with a saltwater pool.

A lot of our members love their sand filters... Personally, I like having a cartridge filter, as it does away having to use a multiport valve and the plumbing is just dirt simple. I only clean my filter twice a year and probably could go an entire year between cleanings, but my OCD won't let me... :mrgreen:


Jim R.
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