Economical option for curvy pool?


New member
Sep 17, 2020
Southern Arizona
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
My pool is hourglass shape. Half is shallow with a fairly flat floor, the other half is diving depth and is essentially a bowl with very rounded walls. Right now, all I have is the manual vacuum and it takes me forever to get it out and set up, plus another forever to actually vacuum, plus cleaning the pump basket (multiple times), backwashing, etc. etc. It's exhausting and I hate it and therefore don't clean the pool as often as I should.

I tried an Aiper robot and like it, but it isn't strong enough to get itself back out of the deep end once it slips down, so I have to babysit it and push it around. I asked Aiper if any of their models work with my curvy pool and they say no--flat bottoms only. It looks like dolphins might work? But I don't want to spend thousands of dollars. Is something like a $600 nautilus worthwhile, or would I be better of looking at a suction side cleaner for closer to $500? Other suggestions for the $400-600 range, or is that an unrealistic budget?
Other suggestions for the $400-600 range, or is that an unrealistic budget?

Call Marina Pool and Spa in CO. We don't have an affiliation, per say, but we have had great success with them. They are honest and reputable. Explain your situation and ask for a recommendation. The best part is that they are Brick and Mortar, so if you buy from them you get full warranty vs. buying online.