Drinking water test vs pool water chemistry tests


Silver Supporter
Jun 6, 2017
Washington County, TX
Hi - we had a water well drilled about a year and a half ago for a home we are building. The pool is almost complete, and depending on weather, may get plastered and filled at the end of the week. We are planning on using the well water for the fill.
My test kit is scheduled to be delivered Wednesday and I will test the well water for practice and to know what I am working with before the pool people add any chemicals.
Could you tell me if there is a correlation between the results of the drinking water test and what I will be testing for in regards to the pool? For example, the drinking water test showed a pH of 6.55 (low, I know). I would guess that should be a direct correlation to the pH test for pools.
Do the calcium results, 71 ppm, the hardness results, 195 ppm CaCO3, or the Chloride, 15 ppm, correlate at all to the CH test?
The alkalinity result was also listed as 198 ppm CaCO3.
The total dissolved salts (TDS) was 364 ppm.

The metals tested (iron, copper, and manganese) all showed <.01 ppm. There was a zinc reading of 1.09 ppm.

Thank you.
Nice to meet you via TFP :)

pH is the same as pool water testing. The alkalinity reading is what we call total alkalinity, or TA. The calcium reading is what we call calcium hardness, or CH

Chloride does not relate to any pool testing, and with Trouble Free Pool Care (TFPC) you can ignore TDS.

Be careful about how hard you draw from your well. It might be a massive recharge well, and you have nothing to worry about, but it's quite common for wells to have recharge rates well below what it will take to fill a pool. If you see any bubbles, shut her down right away and let the well recharge, then restart with slower flow. Keep the plaster misted if it's a long wait, and if you stop filling part way up, keep the water moving so a ring won't form. Another alternative might be to buy a truckload or two to reduce the demand on the well, and get the plaster covered faster.
Thank you all. I appreciate the information.

Needsajet - thank for the advice about using the well. We have been considering using some trucked-in water for at least some of the fill. I need to find out how much advance notice the water company needs. We are building in a rural area and the plaster date is rather fluid - trying to fit a good weather window. If the water people only need a day's notice, that might work.

Thanks again, everyone.
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