DIY Bluestone Coping and Paver Patio Progress Thread.

If you need to create eased edge on cuts use an angle grinder with medium concrete cup.
I have enough treads so that I can use the fabricated eased edge without having to worry about doing myself. They reflamed after easing them so it’s all very cohesive
not as much progress as I had hoped (my brother was gonna help provide some needed muscle but had to cancel) I have all my cuts except for the stairs and I have it all dry fitted. I’m gonna make a wood platform to place behind a stone that I can use to slide the stone back, mortar, then place it back. They weigh about 115lbs apiece so it’s not the easiest one man job. My next pictures will be them mortared in place, I promise.

That will work, something plastic like a snow sled is what we use they slide easy on them. Dont forget a string line, your eye will lie to you. Dry set 2 stones farthest apart and set rebar pins with a lasso end amd just keep checking as you go
Yup. Got the string line and the rebar. I also made a 1.5” gauge out of a block of wood to quick check the cantilever. I cut some leftover 1” pvc conduit from my DIY install of my equipment into small rings to use as spacers and shims.
I did notice a few of the blocks are a bit thinner, should I have the underside flush or the top side, or split the difference. It’s maybe 1/8”. Not too happy about that.
yeah i am gonna shim the bottom to bring it up to height, but since it is cantilevered, the bottom edge is also important, i could try to taper the bottom edge of the stone next to it so it doesn't step up, or maybe i am just over thinking it -

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After work I mortared two stones down as a test. I came up with a method where I can do it myself without help. I backbuttered, laid a bed, then put a few heaps along the back line to give myself extra height to pound down to my desired slope. I’m going with a half a bubble backslope.


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Yup looks good. They are always slightly off thickness wise, it's a good idea to measure them and make stacks of thicker amd thinner. You can lose the thinness in the corners. I would always make the tops flush, a larger grout joint can hide a little but with tight joints I would flush them. The bottom wont show unless you look hard from in the pool
so i noticed that there is a slight bit of flex to the fiberglass collar of the steps, i tried to lock it into the cement footer i poured but it still flexes slightly under my foot wieght- i think i am going to mortar the stones to the concrete footer but use adhesive on the fiberglass part.
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Looks really good, I did my own stone coping as well and I applied PL premium to the steal wall and did the rest like yourself, wet with a sponge before I buttered the stone and concrete beam and 6 years later they haven't moved. I live in a cold climate so go through freeze and thaw cycles.
We used bluestone for both our pool and house patios. I know you’re still a far ways off from being completed, but make sure that you seal the stone. It has a funny way of absorbing stains. They go away over the winter with the elements (snow, UV). But we had some birds who ate some sort of dark berry and resulted in pretty significant ugly stains that took about six months to fade.

We love the look of our natural stone though! We also have found that it doesn’t really get hot in the sun.

Looking good!

Here is my thread on the issue:
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okay - got everything down. Just powered through the steps which were the hardest part since it wasn’t simple geometry. Next step is to grout with grey mortar, seal, then caulk under where the stones meet the liner track. Wife is happy so I think this one was a success.

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