Difficulty following recommended levels AND staying within CSI range.


New member
Mar 24, 2019
Saint Johns, FL
Hi guys, long time reader, first time poster.

I have a difficult time with finding the perfect chemistry for my pool while keeping the CSI level between -.3 and .3. My pool always is on the low end of CSI even if my levels are within the recommended range.

Today I had the following measurements:
PH 7.4
TA 80
CH 350
CYA 70
Temp 82
Salt 3300
Borates 40
CSI -0.41

The only reasonable way I am able to get the CSI within reasonable levels is to either reduce the PH range to 7.6-7.8, Raise the CH to 550, or go outside the recommended levels of TA. The water temp could be raised but that's not a sustainable solution.

Out of the options above, which one would be least harmful? Increasing CH would be the easiest long term solution in a beginners eyes (myself), but what am I missing?
The recommended levels show pH of 7.2-7.8. So, a pH of 7.8 is within the recommended levels.
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