Deep End Cloudy

Jul 4, 2015
Birmingham, AL
Hi, I've noticed the deep end has been cloudy lately. I tested the water and the Contaminated Chlorine level was 0.0. I vacumned and brought it up to shock level and let it decay. Did not see any improvement. Water hasn't been getting cloudier, just the same. Any ideas? Thank you
Thank you for the response. Overnight Chlorine test passed, no drop and I did this same test last week with no drop in FC either. Test results from this morning are below and CC is still zero. Note: FC is 4.0. Remember, I shocked it and have been letting it drift back down to normal range on the FC/CYA chart before bringing it back up. Vacuumed again this morning too. Even though the CC is 0.0 and FC is within range, I'm going to SLAM it assuming it is algae in the deep end. I wonder if the water sample I'm using would test differently for CC if it came from the bottom of the deep end instead of arm's length from the surface of the deep end of the pool. Also, has anyone had trouble with the high chlorine levels for shocking, ex. 28, bleaching a vinyl liner? Thank you.

PH 7.8
FC 4.0
CC 0.0
CH 125
TA 90
CYA 70
Temp 85
Salt 3000
When in High School. our house was one of the few that had a pool so I was always the go to guy for hosting house parties when the parents were out of town. I recall one time in particular when I couldn't see the main drain the morning after such a party. This was back in the early 80's, so way before TFP and the TFP method so I am sure the pool was never really sparkly clear but you could usually see the drain. I figured that I would "shock" the pool and that would be than but for as much "shock" as I tossed in to clear up the water I couldn't see the drain. I don't recall the details of the pool care attempt, but it turned out that the deep end of the pool was filled with empty clear solo cups. From then on I decided to only use the red ones so I could see immediately if it was cloudy water or solo cups.

Of course now I can read heads or tails 10 feet down so it doesn't matter anymore what get tossed into the pool :p

FC up to shock level for your CYA will cont damage your liner. FC at shock level is less harsh than FC at 2-3 ppm with no CYA.

Raising FC up between target and shock level for a couple of days will often clear up cloudy water.
Update: Water cleared up after 2 days, thanks again for the help. I'm keeping it up IAW SLAM. I'm noticing what looks like brown clumps of dirt in places, mostly on the deep end...algae? Last time I had an algae problem, the dead algae was white. I vacuumed the thing out about 3 days ago.
Update: Water cleared up after 2 days, thanks again for the help. I'm keeping it up IAW SLAM. I'm noticing what looks like brown clumps of dirt in places, mostly on the deep end...algae? Last time I had an algae problem, the dead algae was white. I vacuumed the thing out about 3 days ago.
Do these brown clumps look like waterborne dust bunnies that go *poof* when you approach them with a brush or vacuum? That's clumping dead algae.
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