CYA too low . Was 55-60 last year


Jul 24, 2017
I checked for CYA while slamming was in progress . It was 55-60 last year.
Filled to the top and I can still see the black dot clearly . So kind of showing that it is way below 20
Pool was filled to the brim when I opened this year. Had drained 0.5 feet below skimmer before closing lasy year oct.
Could it possible to get such a low reading in year and with snow and rainwater?
Taylor test kit is from last year and chemicals expires in 2019.

Thanks for any suggestion/comments .
It can. Many times the result is ammonia in the water.

Are you able to maintain FC in the water?
That is not unusual if you have 0 CYA in the water.

Try adding 10 ppm of FC using liquid chlorine. Circulate pool for 30 minutes. Test FC. If 5 ppm or less, you are fighting ammonia.
thanks .the FC is 0.5-1 ppm and not 0 as I mentioned earlier. apologies. I have not added Chlorine since yesterday.
I added some 3 X 1 lb bag of trichlor before reading your post with expectation that it would increase CYA as well as increases FC.
Can I add liquid chlorine along with that?
My pool is clean as of now after 4 days of slam but is cloudy at deep end.
Could there still be ammonia given these info?
What needs to be done to remove ammonia?
thanks again
You add chlorine to rid it of ammonia. You should have added enough by now.

I would stop with the solid chlorine products. As you need to SLAM Process to rid your water of the algae causing the cloudy water your high CYA will mean high FC levels to SLAM.
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