CYA reducer

Jun 5, 2018
Does anyone have experience or information regarding a product Bio-Active used to reduce Cyanuric Acid levels without exchanging pool water? My neighbor tried it and says it seemed to work. The active ingredients are Dextrose and Active microbial cultures. Thanks
It hasn't worked as well nor as consistently as we had all hoped. Use the search function at the top center of the page for bioactive and you'll see all the old threads. Then you won't have to wait and hope that someone who has used it will even be reading this website this week.

Several of our members have tried it with almost zero results.. I think your neighbor's experience is more hopeful thinking... :mrgreen:

You would be better off burning your money in a camp fire...

In most cases, the cost to just drain and refill the pool is a lot less than what most people think it will be... I can fill my 17K pool for about $50 bucks...


Jim R.
"It seemed to work" is not exactly hard evidence. Unfortunately the majority of the positive reviews of this product on this forum seem to consist of that, while those who carefully measured and recorded their CYA almost consistently find little to no reduction. The idea behind it is sound, the microbes in it will consume CYA, but keeping those microbes alive in the bag and then getting them to live in the pool water and then getting them to consume CYA instead of the sugar they have been surviving on has proven to be rather unreliable. Meanwhile water exchange is 100% reliable, predictable, and usually cheaper.
Bio-Active is a joke.

I, too, fell for this scam of a product last summer. We bought our first house, found TFP, and started doing the pool testing CYA was VERY high (well over the 100 mark on the Blue Devil CYA test. I guess thats what you get when the house comes with a Pool Frog [which has since been removed]). I was desperate to reduce my CYA without draining water in the middle of summer and looked for every which way I could have, except doing it the correct way; removing and replacing water.

One thing I can say though, from the last time I used the pool in October of 2018, and opening this year, the end of last month (April '19), my CYA did drop substantially and I did not drain any water during those months. The only thing that did happen was lots of tree leaves settling at the bottom of the pool but I don't believe that organic materials cause the CYA to be reduced. Right now, I am sitting at 50 CYA. Did Bio-Active FINALLY work? I'm not sure, but one thing is for certain, I didn't drain ANY water from October '18 to April '19, just the addition of winter/spring rains.

Also, when I had used this last August, I had contacted the company via email which I did get responses. The representative said that they would mail me another package to try (I followed the instructions on the bag of the bag to a T, my pool conditions were ideal, was at 90+ degree water temperature the whole time). He asked for my address, which I gave, and that was the last time I heard from him. I sent follow-up emails but no response back.

In conclusion, did the Bio-Active eventually work months later? I'm not sure, but for a fact, it does not work within a day, a week, or even a month, my CYA numbers remained the same. 6+ months later, maybe it did work but I still wouldn't advise people to buy this product.
So I actually did use bio active on my pool and it actually did work. My cya levels were at 100 prior to using and dropped to 50 current level. I was in the middle of switching from sand to de, also working on removing metals from the water so I figured prior to dumping 2/3 of my water and refilling 20k new gallons at a cost of about 1k dollars, what did I have to lose.

Long story short, I let the chlorine drop out of the pool, then dumped three packets (1.5 recommended). I didn't want to leave a what if I should have dumped more thought in my head. In roughly a week, my new reading was half.

So for $100 bucks, it saved me big time in the end.
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