CYA Level - Drain?


Bronze Supporter
Sep 23, 2019
Saratoga, CA
I only use liquid chlorine to treat my plaster in-ground pool, EXCEPT when on vacations or away for a few day, then tablets. I have not drained my pool for 5 or 6 years, and the CYA has creeped up to around 100 (not sure need to test more accurately only on test strip), but I know it is high as despite FC levels high, I started to have a lot of algae problems at the end of this season.

If CYA is around 100, a half drain and refill should bring it down to 50. However, since I have not drained in over 6 years of so, is there any benefit to a complete drain (trying to save money in drought ridden CA).? Any other benefits or things that could be done at a complete drain?

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You need a proper test kit, see Test Kits Compared. I suggest the TF100. A proper test kit is needed to get the accurate water chemistry results needed to follow the TFP protocols.
Real data from a proper test kit will tell you what your pool water needs. I am very suspect that your CYA is that high if you only use trichlor on an occasional basis.
I suggest you read ABC's of Pool Water Chemistry.
I do have a good test kit so yes I do need to measure more exactly but I usually can get pretty accurate with the test strips if I dilute it with 50% non pool water to get more accuracy and with the 50% diluted it comes in around 40 or 50 PPM
You'll get better answers if you post results using a recommended test kit like the TF100 or the K2006C. Test strips are wildly inaccurate therefore it is next to impossible to guide someone using TFPC.
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