CYA Delay


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Zodiac LM3-24
I am using CYA granules and have added 1.8kg of about 6 that was recommended on PM. I just had a store test (I know...) which is still showing 0. I am not concerned about their reading as much as I am their comment. They said..."do not add more if you have already added as it takes 2 weeks to show up".

My question - What is the delay between dissolving the CYA in the pool (sock in the skimmer) and being able to measure it?

Heading across the border on Tuesday to pick up my new TFTestkit so I won't have to worry about the store tests
Yeah two weeks maybe, only if you add it to the skimmer....which should not be done that way.
It will end up sitting in the filter until completely dissolved. Which is where that figure comes from.

I can dissolve a sock full in about 20 minutes. 2 hours later while the pump is running I can have an accurate reading. I do warm the water sample up if the water is less than 70 degrees. The reading can be high if the water is too cold.
My question - What is the delay between dissolving the CYA in the pool (sock in the skimmer) and being able to measure it?
Heading across the border on Tuesday to pick up my new TFTestkit so I won't have to worry about the store tests
Wise choice on the test kit. Assume the CYA is there, but I've found it can be several days in my 30k gal pool to register accurately.
I use the sock method in front of a return; it's wise to avoid any potential for CYA to build up in filter as that just slows everything down.
I use the sock method (or tshirt method recently) and after dissolving and brushing I give it 4-5 days before checking the level. During those days I brush around a few more times with my robot. It seems to work well.
Ok, great thanks. I use the "sock in the skimmer" method to avoid build up in the filter but will have to build a hobo stick to hang over one of the returns. Thanks
I use a skimmer sock just tied around the end of my brush or net pole. It's super easy.
Even once I can squeeze it from the sock, it is still not fully dissolved. Even though you had in a sock in skimmer, a portion may still be fairly undissolved if it built up in filter. It'll get there though