CYA and FC low


Active member
May 3, 2020
Plano Texas
Got hammered with rain the last couple of days. Got these readings below. Need to drop PH, raise CYA and FC. Please advise the best process/chemicals.

FC - 0.5
PH - 8
TA - 1100
CH - 175
CYA - 40, was 35ish but rounding up
Salt 3000
I assume the TA number is a typo.

Add FC. Follow the FC/CYA Levels. Add 20 ppm worth of CYA. Sock method. Assume it is in the water and use 60 CYA to determine your FC level.

Once the CYA is dissolved for 24-48 hours, test CYA,. Add to get to 70 ppm.
CYA is sold as stabilizer / conditioner / Cyanuric Acid. At Home Depot normally in a 4# container. Granulated.
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