Copper from pool closing chemicals?


New member
May 25, 2022
New Jersey
Hi all -

Just opened my 16k gallon, SWG, fiberglass pool this past weekend. I use the Taylor test kit and water is looking good. My issue is that I did have the water tested by a local pool store (more as a curiosity as I use the Taylor kit to guide me), but I found out my copper level (.6 ppm) was outside the ideal range (0 - 0.3 ppm). I've never had elevated copper levels before which made me wonder where it came from. I am only into my 2nd year with this pool and the pool builder closed it the first winter, but suggested I should hire somebody to close in subsequent winters. So I did that and I now realize that the company that closed my pool this past winter used "ALGA Break9", which has Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate as it's main active ingredient.

Reading thru TFP forums, I learned that many of these algae preventers contain copper and they are generally not recommended. The only time these have been used in my pool is during my most recent closing. So my questions are:

1) I assume for future closings, no more algae preventer?
2) I need to use a sequestrant to "lower" the copper level? (I understand this only holds the metals and eventually wears out...) Is there a specific brand or type recommended?

Thanks in advance,
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I don't believe one or two bottles mattered. We caution against their regular use, pushed heavily by the pool store.

I also don't believe their metals test. They are accurate to .3, at .3, (per them) so 0 to .6 doesn't really tell you anything. And that's on a calibrated and well maintained machine. Their accuracy very well may be worse than that on any given day.

If you do continue with algecide for closings, use polyquat 60 which is copper free. It's really only for closing early with warm water, hoping to get you through until the water is below 60 degrees. If you close late, you don't need it.
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1) I assume for future closings, no more algae preventer?

Use Polyquat60 as a closing Algaecide.

2) I need to use a sequestrant to "lower" the copper level? (I understand this only holds the metals and eventually wears out...) Is there a specific brand or type recommended?

If you have no effects from the copper in the water you don’t need to do anything.

I don't believe one or two bottles mattered. We caution against their regular use, pushed heavily by the pool store.

I also don't believe their metals test. They are accurate to .3, at .3, (per them) so 0 to .6 doesn't really tell you anything. And that's on a calibrated and well maintained machine. Their accuracy very well may be worse than that on any given day.

If you do continue with algecide for closings, use polyquat 60 which is copper free. It's really only for closing early with warm water, hoping to get you through until the water is below 60 degrees. If you close late, you don't need it.
It was only 2 bottles (2 quarts total). This is the first (and only) time algaecide was put in the pool. And I typically close late and open early in NJ. So not feeling any great need to add algaecide. I was just surprised to see the copper level was outside the recommended range. So maybe you're right that the accuracy of the test is questionable.
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