The longest conversions have taken as much as six weeks. But in those cases the CC level was very stable and fell consistently, if slowly. I haven't seen the kind of variation you are seeing before.
This morning FC was 13.5 (a 2.5 drop overnight - last night I started at 16) and CC was 9! This thing is becoming an absolute joke. I'm just about ready to drain the pool.
I believe Tim ended up doing a drain/refill since his pool volume wasn't too large.
In your case, is the water clear and did you replace your filter sand or cartridges or DE? They get mucked up with Baqua-goo from the conversion and need to be replaced. If you leave the Baqua-goo in them, then they might continue to generate CC and the gunk needs to be removed anyway. If you've replaced your relevant filter media, then if you still have CC that isn't going away with chlorine then you can try a different oxidizer such as sodium percarbonate you can get in ProTeam® System Support which you can also get at The Chemistry Store. This is also an alternative to using chlorine for Baquacil conversions (at the rate of around 1 pound per 5000 gallons, not the 1 per 1000 in the instructions and you don't add acid initially either) that goes about twice as fast, isn't colorful, but it's more expensive.
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