Considering an SWG and need recs


Mar 18, 2020
5 year old gunite pool with pebbletec finish. Have mastered maintenance and upkeep, but am frustrated with availability of chemicals. Nearest pool store is 60 miles and even box store for chlorine is 45-50. Local Walmart only carries liquid for about 8 weeks in May/June and then just dwindles stock until nothing by late July. I have an auto ship of CalHypo to augment, but hate the calcium increase and chalky tiles. Full sun and warm water for 7-8 months means Triclor injector works overtime increasing CYA if that was primary. Long way of saying I’m seriously considering SWG.

Looking for recommendations on system. Pool is entirely Jandy but not necessarily looking to pay $1000 for someone to cut and glue 2 unions and screw a controller to the rack. Are there any recommended systems that can be purchased and self installed while keeping a manufacturers warranty? I’m comfortable with plumbing and electrical, and don’t have qualms about programming. Interfacing with iAquaLink is a plus but may not even be a deal breaker.

Second question would be installing on return line (post filter and heat pump) with a VSP, or would you consider plumbing in line with the floor cleaner pump and setting that time to run accordingly, as it would be easy to adjust seasonally without factor like heating time being affected?
I agree with Allen!! I researched SWCG and determined that Circupool was my best choice. They had them on sale until earlier this week. Mine just came in today as a matter of fact. I bet they would honor their sale price. The RJ45+ was $1200 shipped.