Concrete pool builder in the Milwaukee area


May 23, 2023
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
I’m starting to put feelers out for for a good pool builder in the Milwaukee area. Currently I have fiberglass/concrete hybrid pool. I’m having a tough time finding a concrete builder in this part of the country, fiberglass and vinyl builders are plentiful. I have dogs so I’m not interested in a vinyl pool. I also don’t want to deal with liner replacements. Barring a crane with 300+ feet of reach, my pools location is not conducive for fiberglass. If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it!
I have dogs so I’m not interested in a vinyl pool
I went with fiberglass steps both times because of the dogs, then taught them to use the stairs. It's not as pretty as the liner over stairs, but its functional. I have/had LARGE dogs and they couldn't touch in the shallow end. (Confirmed with goggles many times. Lol)
I also don’t want to deal with liner replacements.
With proper chemistry, 10 or more years is likely, and it will be much cheaper than refinishing either fiberglass or plaster at 12 to 15 years.

Feel free to just not like vinyl. :ROFLMAO: But those 2 concerns aren't really concerns.
  • Haha
Reactions: TKpoolOH
I’m starting to put feelers out for for a good pool builder in the Milwaukee area. Currently I have fiberglass/concrete hybrid pool.
Curious, if you currently have a pool, do you have a new property you're building a pool at, renovating, destroying/rebuilding, etc?
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