

New member
May 25, 2024
Fort Worth
I have a 22,000 gallon pool with a very old DE filter and a single valve pump. My booster pump broke but I don't like the Polaris anyway. My CYA was high so Leslie's recommended diluting the water, but nobody knew I'd need to recharge. So I've been doing great balancing the chemicals, but the water has been cloudy and green the whole time. I've recharged after backwashing but the DE powder was pumped right back through. My 18,000 pool with sand filter in El Paso was so much easier to maintain! Any obvious clues stand out to you that I should try or avoid?

Leslie's recommended not using tabs and going to CalHypo. That has not worked, but CYA is manageable.

Last WaterGuru reading before trying a green to blue system was 3.9 FC, and 7.5 pH.
Welcome to the forum!
You need to follow the SLAM Process. To do that, you need a proper test kit. I suggest the TF-100/Pro or Taylor K2006C. A proper test kit is needed to get the accurate water chemistry results needed to follow the TFP protocols.

While you are waiting on your test kit, add 5 ppm FC worth of liquid chlorine / plain bleach to your pool each evening with the pump running. This will replenish the FC lost each day to the sun and also inhibit any algae in the water from growing further.
I suggest you read through Pool Care Basics - Trouble Free Pool and even look at a few of our videos TFP-TV - Trouble Free Pool