Cloudy Water


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2015
Baton Rouge, LA
Hey There!

So I've been struggling with cloudy water for the last couple of weeks. I have been vacuuming often, but still can't get it clear like it was last year. I'm honestly not sure if it's algae or sand at the bottom. They are building a high school two streets over and there has been a ton of Crud in the air...

The pool bottom isn't completely smooth, so of course the uneven spots are holding this debris until I stir it up. I have an aiper and pool blaster, and nothing is getting all of it.

Here are my numbers as of today:

pH 7.8
ch 5
cya 40
ta 120

Pic below for reference.

Any thoughts?

So anytime you suspect something brewing, Overnight Chlorine Loss Test. It's free and if you think about it for a week, you could lose valuable ground in the SLAM Process to follow.

Or you pass and can relax while the filter does its thing. I often had to OCLT a couple of times each spring because alot can happen in 2 weeks and I'd want to be sure again.
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