Cloudy pool


May 14, 2017
Montreal Quebec
My pool has been crystal clear and balanced for a steady 6 weeks, but this am I woke up to a cloudy pool.

Last night I had tested total FC was 4 and zero CC...this am there is almost zero chlorine in there and PH was low (7.1).

It was a coolish night, no warm weather lately, but lots of rain. Could low PH and rain cause chlorine to deplete?

I will refuel chlorine in pool tonight, didn't want to add during a hot day ... opinions?

My pool has been crystal clear and balanced for a steady 6 weeks, but this am I woke up to a cloudy pool.

Last night I had tested total FC was 4 and zero CC...this am there is almost zero chlorine in there and PH was low (7.1).

It was a coolish night, no warm weather lately, but lots of rain. Could low PH and rain cause chlorine to deplete?

I will refuel chlorine in pool tonight, didn't want to add during a hot day ... opinions?

Pennywise and pound foolish. Sunlight and warm temperatures will cause algae to flourish. Get some bleach in that pool NOW. Algae growth is exponential.
Tested my CYA a couple weeks ago was up to 35 (had an issue with zero in pool when I opened) so with the help of this board I finally raised level. From my understanding the CYA level doesn't really drop!? Using a TAYLOR KIT 2006c
was steady for a while then the sudden loss of chlorine overnight...
Your pool is cloudy because you are not maintaining a proper FC level.

Your daily maintenance FC for a CYA of 40ppm is FC 5-7ppm, and you should never let it fall below 3ppm. When you got a FC of 4ppm last night you were under the recommended target and you should have added chlorine.

Even worse is that you measure zero FC this morning and are waiting until tonight to add chlorine.

You are allowing algae & bacteria to get started in your pool.

This pool is going to need a proper SLAM to get back on track, but you are following some misconceptions that need to be straightened out first.

It is OK to add bleach at any time. It doesn't matter if it's sunny, dark, raining etc. What matters is that you maintain a proper sanitizer level in your pool.

I'm sorry if I seem harsh or snarky, but I see this has been explained to you in previous posts/threads but you still fail to maintain the proper FC to CYA ratio.
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